Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3448 I'm only sorry for the woman I've loved all my life

Chapter 3448 I'm only sorry for the woman I've loved all my life

Independence Island Bay Wharf bloody storm.

Ji's old house has not received any news.

Several elders also trapped Ji Lingfeng in the study, trying to delay the time as much as possible.

Anyway, Ji Lingfeng has been in charge of Ji's family for more than 20 years and he is not a vegetarian.

"What is the second elder looking for me today? You didn't come here to talk to me about Qiao Nian, did you?" At first he believed that these people wanted to communicate with him about Qiao Nian.

After such a long time, he somehow found something strange.

The second elder and several elders who had a good relationship exchanged glances with each other, a little impatient, why is it still not over there!
"Patriarch, you think too much."

"Then what are you doing here?"

Ji Lingfeng's short hair was sharp, his eyes were stained with anger, and he was still holding a pen on the table with both hands. His tall body leaned back, as if he was already impatient.

The second elder breathed heavily under such a sense of oppression: "Clan, patriarch. Qiao Nian is too uncontrollable, I sincerely advise you to reconsider."

Seeing that he was finally telling the truth, Ji Lingfeng threw the pen in his hand on the table and made a clacking sound, and looked up at these people: "So I, the patriarch, don't even have the right to make decisions?"

The Second Elder and the others were wronged and dared not look at him: "Patriarch, we don't mean that. We all know the hard work you have put in for the Ji family, but Qiao Nian is too perverse and disobedient. In the future, she will take over the Ji family. It will cause trouble for the family."

"You know the other one... your mother from the hidden family..."

It was no secret that Qiao Nian and Nie Qingru were at odds.

This is also the reason why the stubborn Ji family didn't want Qiao Nian to take over!
On the one hand, they wanted to use the blood flowing in Qiao Nian's body for them, on the other hand, they were unwilling to risk offending the Hermit Family and Nie Qingru for Qiao Nian's sake.

So they always approached Qiao Nian for help when they encountered problems, but when Qiao Nian encountered problems, they pretended they didn't know.

It was as if they had heard about Nie Qixing's incident in State M before, but none of the Ji family had contacted Qiao Nian, nor asked Qiao Nian if he needed help.

Only Ji Nan, Xie Yun and Nan Tianyi called Qiao Nian and asked her about it.

None of the second elders and fourth elders who had received Qiao Nian's help in Ji Ziyin's matter did not show up.

The second elder took a deep breath and said: "Patriarch, I hope you will put the overall situation first and don't be blinded by personal feelings. Is your current behavior worthy of the family members and the old patriarch?"

Ji Lingfeng clasped his hands on the table green and white, and sneered, and for the first time a sneer appeared on his mature and steady handsome face: "I am so sorry for you, that I am sorry for my most important person."

For the sake of Ji's family, in order not to let these people... miss the chance to save Ji Qing!

Now he is sick and has few days to live. These people stand in front of him and show off their power, asking him word by word whether he is worthy of the family.

"I'm sorry for Ji's family, but I'm sorry for my conscience... I'm sorry for the woman I've loved all my life! I'm sorry for my sister who cut open the darkness and pulled me out of the abyss."

What happened back then is not a secret to these elders.

Several elders in the study were collectively silent.

It's not that they don't want to focus on the family anymore, but they can see that Ji Lingfeng won't change his mind easily.

He had already made up his mind to return the Ji family to Qiao Nian.

It's still the kind of determination to ignore everyone's opposition and do whatever it takes.

(End of this chapter)

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