Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3470 She has already arranged everything

Chapter 3470 She has already arranged everything

Ji Lingfeng's attack was sudden this time, and they didn't have time to react. He was already unconscious, and they rushed him to the hospital, so they didn't have so much energy to worry about not letting the news spread...

He Lin made a remedy afterwards.

The current situation is that the outside world does not know about Ji Lingfeng's rescue for the time being, but the old house must not be able to hide it.

After all, there was a lot of commotion when they sent people to the hospital. Those elders were all good people, so how could they not guess who was sent to the hospital.

Qiao Nian probably understood the ins and outs of the matter, and nodded: "I'll go there right away."

"you want to go?"

Xie Yun was really surprised this time.

"Nian Nian, actually..."

She remembered that she had quarreled with Ji Lingfeng about the inheritance of Ji's family before, and when she looked at Qiao Nian again, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

She wanted to say that Qiao Nian didn't need to plunge into the muddy water.

But the words come to the mouth.

Xie Yun was also speechless.

Because she knew in her heart that even at this moment, she and Ji Nan couldn't suppress those old men, only Qiao Nian could do it.

"I gonna go see."

Qiao Nian raised her hand and pulled off her peaked cap. Except for her slightly pale lips, she couldn't see any look on her face that just finished donating blood.

She noticed Ji Nan, thought for a while and asked him: "Do you want to go with me?"

Ji Lingfeng is not out of danger, nor has he come out of the operating room.

As a son, he should have stayed outside and waited for the doctor to come out, but Ji Nan just pondered for a moment, and immediately made a decision: "Okay."

He turned his head and patted Xie Yun's shoulder silently to comfort him: "Mom, I'll go back with Niannian, call me if you have any news."

Xie Yun looked at him, then at Qiao Nian, her eyes felt hot, and she felt an indescribable feeling in her chest.

She knew very well what Qiao Nian meant by taking Jin Nan there. She wanted him to learn from him, and also to support him in a disguised form.

Just because she knew Qiao Nian's plan, the ray of guilt that existed in her heart expanded infinitely, like an invisible big hand pinching her heart.

Xie Yun thought of the text message from home that she received early in the morning, and then looked at the taciturn girl in front of her who stood out for them in everything.

She was very serious: "Thank you, Nian Nian."

Qiao Nian waved her hands, and didn't bother why Xie Yun said this to her in a guilty tone, and didn't say anything else, just said: "I called Mr. Zhong from inside, and he will come right away."

"..." Xie Yun was shocked now.

Zhong Lao?
Second class?
Nian Nian also called Zhong Liuliu?
Her first reaction was that Zhong Liuliu was coming from M state.

My heart sank again.

It was too late after a flight of more than ten hours.

Who knows that Qiao Nian seemed to see what she was missing, and said in a calm manner: "He arrived in Independent Island two days ago, but he was too old to bear the torment and had a rest in the hospital for a day, and he also dealt with some medical issues in the Pharmacy Association. Things on the Independent Continent."

"His hotel is very close to here, and he will arrive in 20 minutes at most."

"I've already told him about Jihuang's situation. He brought medicine, which should be able to stabilize the patient's symptoms."

Xie Yun didn't have anything else to say, and she said, "Thank you."

Qiao Nian unzipped his jacket and responded to her this time: "En."

Turning around, she said to Ji Nan, "Let's go."

She's going to see what those old things are up to!
The situation in Ji's old house was exactly as Xie Yun thought.

(End of this chapter)

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