Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3477 Those who are good to you and want you to die are relatives

She didn't want Qiao Nian to confront Nie Qingru, but when she learned the truth, her blood surged and she really wanted to find someone to express her emotions to.

Qiao Nian replied, "Yes."

Xie Yun couldn't laugh anymore, she twitched her lips and gave up, rummaged through her bag and found a document and handed it to Qiao Nian.

"this is for you."


Qiao Nian took the things she handed over from her hand, glanced down and was stunned.

Seeing her seldom dazed, Xie Yun finally smiled: "This is left to you by your uncle."

When she talked about Ji Lingfeng, her smile faded a little bit, but she still tried her best to raise the corners of her mouth, let Qiao Nian take the document, and said, "He suddenly vomited blood in the study. At that time, He Lin and I rushed in. He Lin was busy calling Che and the doctor came over, and I happened to see this document on his desk."

In Qiao Nian's hand was a signed and sealed will.

Ji Lingfeng transferred 80.00% of his property to her name.

Of course, Xie Yun has seen this document, but she is very appreciative: "I took it away because I was afraid that he would fall down. He Lin and I can't hold back those old guys in Juyitang. If those people see this The will may not necessarily fall into your hands. I think it is his wish to put it away for him, and you are here, so I will hand it over to you, and I don’t feel relieved if it is saved.

Qiao Nian pursed her lips, as if she wanted to return the document to her: "I..."

"Don't give it to me." Xie Yun knew what she wanted to do, she put her hand against it and refused to take it, and said in a low voice: "I know you are not short of money, and I didn't want to use this to get in touch with you. Anyway, husband and wife for more than 20 years , he is dying, I can't let him close his eyes."

After Xie Yun forced the thing to her, she didn't give Qiao Nian a chance to refuse, she let go of her hand, raised her eyes and smiled at her, and said calmly, "I'll go and see him."

As he spoke, he gathered up the shawl on his shoulders, trimmed his hair, and walked towards Ji Lingfeng's ward to make himself look dignified and calm as always.

Wait until she disappears.

Ye Wangchuan, who was standing behind the girl, patted her on the shoulder and said, "What are you thinking?"

Qiao Nian felt the touch on his shoulder, and came back to his senses for a while, his beautiful face had a complicated expression, he held the thin and heavy paper tightly in his hand, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "I was thinking that some people are thinking of you Die, some people try their best to treat you well."

And these two kinds of people happen to be the same kind of people—people who are related to her by blood!
Ye Wangchuan raised the corners of his lips, his eyes were deep and sharp: "You want to save Emperor Ji?"

Qiao Nian turned around and slapped the will in his arms with a blank expression, still in the same aggressive manner: "If you don't save it, it has nothing to do with me!"

He said and walked out without looking back.

Ye Wangchuan didn't catch up either, he held the will that Qiao Nian threw in his arms between his fingers, and with a quick glance, he knew how much Ji Lingfeng wanted to make up for her.

80.00% of Ji Lingfeng's private property is in this will, which is still stamped and signed, and notarized by a lawyer.

With this will, even if Ji Lingfeng dies suddenly in the future, Qiao Nian has not had time to take over Ji's family according to his will.

You can also rely on these industries to rise into a dazzling upstart in Independent Continent. In less than ten years, you may not be worse than Ji's family.

Ji Lingfeng means to empty out Ji's family and give Qiao a way out.

Ye Wangchuan folded and put away the things that Qiao Nian threw to him, so that she would not find them later when she wanted them. At this time, Nan Tianyi came to look for him.

Ye Wangchuan left with him first.

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