Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3495 Only Sister Nian can let the arrogant master cook

Chapter 3495 Only Sister Nian can let the arrogant master cook

For things that didn't happen.

There is only one criterion in her dictionary, 'Soldiers come to block water and cover with soil'.

If those people really want to do something in the Mingshui Guild Hall, she will accompany them to the end!

Qin Si waited for the day lily to cool down before seeing Ye Wangchuan coming down the stairs.

He saw the man coming out from the second floor, looked left and right, and suddenly found something wrong, and said bluffingly: "Wang Ye, why did you ask someone to come down for dinner, and take a bath and change clothes? Why, burn incense?" Take a bath!"

Bao Jingxing was holding a laptop computer and having a video conference, but when he heard this, he glanced in Ye Wangchuan's direction from the corner of his eye.

Just in time to see Ye Wangchuan walking over, the clothes he was wearing had changed from the casual long-sleeved clothes in the morning to a light-colored thin sweater.

He basically wears dark colors at ordinary times, and rarely tries light colors. The camel sweater is particularly suitable for him, and he feels proud of himself.

Bao Jingxing: "..."

So he was so proud of himself in the spring breeze?

Didn't he just go upstairs and ask Qiao Nian to come down for lunch?

Ye Wangchuan walked straight over, with a smile leaking from the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, he was in a completely different state than usual, a half-smile and not a smile, and any fool could see that he was in an extremely happy mood.

"Hot pot for lunch?"


Qin Si looked at him like a peacock spreading its tail, opened his mouth and said, "Who made it? Is it takeaway at this time?"

It's not that he said that the hot pot in Independent Island is not authentic, and it's free to eat.

Not interesting.

Who knew that Ye Wangchuan went to the refrigerator to check the stock inside, and said very casually, "I'll do it."


Bao Jingxing watched Ye Wangchuan take out the vegetables, meat, and seafood for the hot pot from the refrigerator, and called them back.

"Come here and help me wash the vegetables."

Qin Si got up cursing, but didn't notice anything, and complained: "Master Wang, why did you come up with such an excellent idea of ​​eating hot pot at noon? And sister Qiao, didn't you go find sister Qiao to get up? Why didn't I look at it?" She comes down."

Bao Jingxing also talked to the person on the other end of the video conference, put away his computer, took off the headset and walked over to help.

When passing by Ye Wangchuan with vegetables, he casually asked: "In a good mood?"

Ye Fanchuan glanced at him, but rarely said anything.

Bao Jingxing's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect him to react like this. He was still thinking about the situation when he was assigned some garlic.

"Leave this to you."

Ye Wangchuan brought him a tool for peeling garlic by the way: "Clean it up."

"..." Does this dislike his handicap?

It was the first time that Bao Jingxing was so disliked by others, and he was so depressed that he was interrupted, but he forgot the possibility he had thought before, and insisted on peeling a few perfect garlic to prove it to him.

Qiao Nian stayed upstairs for a while, and waited for his wrist to recover from the soreness, then took his phone and prepared to go downstairs.

As soon as she reached the stairs, she could smell the hot pot smell below, so she couldn't help but quicken her pace.

Sure enough, the restaurant below was equipped with tableware suitable for eating hot pot, and there were all kinds of dishes she liked to eat, and the red oil was rolling in the pot.

The fragrance I smelled just now came from the pot.

Qiao Nian voluntarily pulled out the chair and sat down, and asked, "Did you eat hot pot today?"

Qin Si was in charge of serving the dishes, and when she saw her coming down, she smacked her lips and made a fuss: "I don't know what kind of style I am, so I will cook by myself. Sigh, people are still in the kitchen."

They have come to Independent Continent for so long and seldom use the kitchen. They are all young and well-clothed, who are good at cooking.

Both Qin Si and Bo Jingxing are edible, so they won't be typical.

Only Ye Wangchuan can cook.

But Qiao Nian was often not at home, so Qin Si and Bao Jingxing never had the chance to eat the meals cooked by the famous Ye Shao.

(End of this chapter)

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