Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3498 The scumbags are looking forward to the death of Sister Nian

Chapter 3498 The scumbags are looking forward to the death of Sister Nian

"This rebellious girl! Sinister, she wants to sever the mother-daughter relationship with me!"

Father Xie looked at her getting angry at home, looked at her with a sinking face, and said without a trace of waves: "The eldest sister also said that if the Xie family wants to quarrel with her to the point where they will never get in touch with each other. Don't participate this time." The treasure hunting competition at Mingshui Guild Hall, otherwise I won’t have to look for her in the future.”

"She threatened me?" Mrs. Xie opened her eyes wide in disbelief.


Father Xie didn't answer.

Silence is the best answer.

The old lady Xie was so angry that she clutched her chest as if she was going to faint, her eyes turned black and she almost couldn't hold on.

Father Xie didn't want to provoke her, but he still had to explain some things to her clearly.

"Big sister is very serious this time, if we participate in the event, I'm afraid she will..."

"Whatever she is! I've never seen someone who is disobedient and unfilial threatens her own mother! If she wants to sever ties, she will sever ties. I don't believe she can change the fact that I gave birth to her in October!"

The old lady Xie is stern.

Father Xie rubbed his brows vigorously, not wanting to quarrel with her, and said, "The person representing Ji's family to participate this time is Qiao Nian."


Mrs. Xie's neck seemed to be stuck by an invisible big hand, and she suddenly lost her voice.

How could it be... her? !
She was not afraid of Xie Yun, but Qiao Nian.

The rebellious blood flowed in Qiao Nian's bones. It is said that she even killed Nie Qixing, who was related to her by blood...

She dared not provoke such a god of death casually.

What's more, she already knew what happened at the bay pier a few days ago, and it was Qiao Nian who made the move.

"Mom. The Xie family has come to this point by relying on in-laws. You know how much we are. Even if we take the risk of breaking up with Yun'er to participate in this event, we won't be able to get the first place. Really There's no need to offend Yun'er..."

The old lady Xie was flustered, so she sat back by herself, without her previous strength, waved her hand and said, "I'll think about it, I'll think about it again."

Xie father didn't force her: "Then think about it slowly."

He gave his wife a wink and asked her to follow him.

The two walked up the stairs.

Xie's mother is still struggling with Xie Xinyao's affairs: "Xinyao, she..."

Father Xie put his hands on her shoulders, and said solemnly: "Xinyao is an idealization of my mother. As long as Nan Tianyi doesn't let go, Xinyao won't come back. As for this event... I actually received A message."

Mother Xie frowned and raised her head: "What news?"

Father Xie made a sullen face and let out a breath before he dared to say: "Someone is going to kill Qiao Nian at this event! I heard that she has all the data of the Tsar who showed up at the State M Weapons Exhibition in her hand, and someone has already Her mind was on her head, and she was just waiting to take this opportunity to get the Tsar's design. She will participate this time... I'm afraid it will be a narrow escape!"

Sheila hadn't figured out what a Tsar was.

Father Xie didn't mean to explain too much to her: "You just need to know that owning the czar means you can compete with Ji's black powder."

Who wouldn't want to own a weapon of this level?
He thought about it too.

But he thought about it, firstly, the Xie family did not have the strength to compete with other forces, and secondly, the Xie family could not keep the czar's data by chance.

So he had already made up his mind.

No matter what the old lady's attitude is this time, he will never let the Xie family participate.

This is not for anyone, it is the result of weighing out purely out of interests.

"Qiao Nian...I'm afraid she won't live for a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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