Chapter 3542
But seeing the reporters questioning him one by one, he couldn't hold back after all. Before Nie Tao had time to respond, he suddenly glared at one of the reporters who asked the question.

"They were beaten outside the hospital because I have something to do with it? Why do you say that it was me? Who knows if they owe it to you."

When Nie Tao reacted, he yelled angrily: "Nie Junwei, don't you shut up!"

After being yelled at, Nie Junwei stopped talking humiliatingly, as if he was the one who was wronged, without saying a word.

But he has already opened his mouth, which undoubtedly broke the situation that Nie Tao and his lawyer had negotiated in private and refused to respond.

This forced Nie Tao to make a simple response to the turbulent car accident.

He quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind. Facing the long guns and short cannons raised by the reporters, he said gently, "We don't deny that we should bear most of the responsibility for the car accident. It's just that the drunk driving statement uploaded on the Internet is not accurate. I The son was drinking, but the amount of alcohol did not meet the drink-driving standard."

"He drove away at that time only because he was too young, and he was panicked and overwhelmed by the incident, so he didn't stay and deal with the accident immediately. Later, he also confessed to me that he was wrong. We immediately arranged for the victim after we knew about the incident. I went to the hospital and negotiated with the family members of the victim, but it was a pity that no settlement was reached at that time..."

A reporter asked a sharp question: "Then I would like to ask Mr. Nie, it is rumored that the family members of the victims of the car accident were assaulted outside the hospital by your son. Do you know about this incident?"

Nie Tao's temples throbbed, and his expression remained unchanged: "First of all, I was very angry when I heard about this incident. Secondly, I want to say that this incident has nothing to do with my son."

"I am very angry that someone would do such an arrogant and domineering act, but my son has been at home these days and has not gone out. I can assure everyone here that this matter has nothing to do with him!"

"But online..." The reporter still wanted to hold on to this.

Nie Tao interrupted him: "It's all speculation on the Internet. Now that everyone has malicious intentions towards Jun Wei, they will think that any outrageous speculations are real."

This means that Nie Junwei is still a good person, at least he is a simple young man who is not good at speech.

He looked sincere and earnest, as if everyone had misunderstood Nie Junwei, so that the reporters around didn't know what to say.

This is what Nie Tao wanted. He raised his wrist to check the time, and turned around to see the lawyer bringing someone over.

A heart is about to be put back, and I plan to take Nie Junwei back first.

at this time!

A voice broke in from outside the reporter.

"I, I come to surrender."

In such a situation where everyone is silent and silent, the phrase "I come to surrender" is undoubtedly throwing a huge stone on the calm lake.

With a swipe, everyone's eyes were focused on the few gangsters with bruised noses and swollen faces outside the crowd.

Nie Junwei also saw those people, and his face changed: "You..."

When Nie Tao saw his reaction, and then looked at the gangsters who were standing outside the crowd and didn't dare to look in his direction, his heart suddenly lifted after finally letting go, and an ominous premonition enveloped his heart.


He felt Youdao's eyes falling in his direction.

(End of this chapter)

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