Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3550 Forced to stand up and apologize

Chapter 3550 Forced to stand up and apologize

Nie Qingru seemed to know what he was going to say, and immediately interrupted: "Oh, I can't help it."

Things have become like this, where is there any good way.

They have already pushed them into the designed trap step by step, and now the back road has been cut off, just wait and see what they have to do.

And the idiots in this room thought she had a solution and could easily resolve this deadlock.

In fact, everyone in the Nie family really thinks so.

After being scolded bloody, Nie Tao was so anxious that his eyes were bloodshot and wanted to ask her, but the silent old man Nie stared at her and motioned him to shut up first.

Even though Nie Tao was extremely anxious, he still suppressed his eagerness when he received his father's eyes, pursed his lips and calmed down.

Old Mrs. Nie said slowly at this moment: "Qingru, I know that your elder brother's reckless actions this time have hurt you."

"But now is not the time to be angry. No matter how angry you are after this matter is resolved, you can scold him."

Nie Qingru met his cloudy, old, calculating eyes, and asked with a half-smile, "You think I'm throwing a tantrum?"

Old Mrs. Nie didn't say anything, but the doubts on her face seemed to ask her, "Isn't it?"

Nie Qingru turned cold and stopped looking at him: "I haven't been in that mood since I was forced to marry someone I didn't love when I was 20."

Everyone in the Nie family changed their expressions.

Only Nie Qingru still had that cold and indifferent expression, coupled with her prominent bones and well-defined outlines, she was born with a special nobility, and it was easy to give people a feeling of "unhuman".

Old Mrs. Nie didn't want to put on airs when she said this, hesitantly said: "Qingru, you just help the family one more time. I promise... similar things won't happen again."

Nie Tao also reacted, and hurriedly said: "I will definitely take care of Jun Wei, and I won't let him go out to cause trouble again."

The shadow has been standing quietly beside Nie Qingru, dressed in black and black pants, as if he is a shadow blending into the darkness.

He looked at the hypocrisy faces of the people in the Nie family, and at the expression that his master had long been accustomed to, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He really wanted to interject and say that Nie Qingru was not without difficulties in the Hidden Family. In her position, a single hair could affect her whole body.

But he is just a subordinate, not qualified to intervene.

Shadow swallowed all the words, lowered his eyes, and returned to his usual expressionless expression.

Time seemed to stop, and the whole villa was silent.

Everyone was waiting for Nie Qingru's answer.

Ordinarily, old Mrs. Nie used to beg for mercy, but Nie Qingru would usually show some face, even if she said a few words, she would still help.

This time, everyone had a knife hanging in their hearts, and they always felt that Nie Qingru was really angry.

Fortunately, after a few minutes.

Nie Qingru adjusted the velvet gloves on her hands, lowered her eyelashes, and said coldly and gracefully: "It's all about this, let me show you the way."

Nie Tao excitedly said, "Say it."

Nie Qingru looked at him: "One, send Nie Junwei back to the police station immediately, and tell the outside world that you didn't know about it beforehand, thinking that the beating in the hospital was a misunderstanding."

Nie Tao's complexion changed.

He can't accept the first one.

Nie Qingru lightly said to send him back, but he is not stupid, he knows what it means to send Nie Junwei back to the police station.

Nie Qingru didn't care whether he accepted it or not, and continued: "Second, you publicly apologized to the public in the interview, saying that you made a mistake because of your love for your son. But Nie Junwei's release on bail is in line with the procedure. Of course, you are willing to kill relatives righteously and let him accept judicial trial. .”

(End of this chapter)

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