Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3556 Miss Nian is ready to leave immediately

Chapter 3556 Miss Nian is ready to leave immediately
"But..." Ji Lin's young face quickly flashed a trace of cruising.

Do you really have to worry about it?

The Empress of the Hidden World Family is Miss Qiao's grandmother, and she thinks that Miss Qiao is making trouble behind her back. Miss Qiao doesn't want to explain at all?
Qiao Nian didn't even move her eyelashes, her brows and eyes were dark: "No but."

Loose and unrepentant.

Ji Lin shut his mouth and stopped expressing his opinion.

This matter is so simple to settle down.

Ji Lin also reported to Ye Wangchuan the recent affairs of the dark fort in M ​​state, talking about all the big and small things, and it didn't take much time.

Ye Wangchuan didn't avoid Qiao Nian at all, and occasionally when Ji Lin mentioned important matters, he would simply ask.Most of the rest of the time, Ji Lin was talking, and he let out a lazy 'hmm' from time to time.

Qiao Nian even suspected that he didn't listen carefully.

After Ye Wangchuan and Ji Lin finished talking about the business in State M, she put down her coffee cup and interjected, "I'm going to State M."

"Master Wang, then I'll..." Ji Lin was still talking on the other side, so he hung up first, before he finished speaking, he heard Qiao Nian's voice.

After a short pause, he immediately asked, "Miss Qiao, when are you coming?"

Ye Wangchuan turned his head from a distance, and his clear eyes were also looking at her.

Qiao Nian ignored his close gaze and said to Ji Lin through the video: "Now."

"Now?!" Ji Lin couldn't hide his surprise: "You mean now?"

It was too sudden.

Qiao Nian said directly, "I'll go up and pack my things right away, and buy the nearest flight ticket."

"If there is no accident, I will use a pseudonym."

Although Ji Lin was still confused, he was not stupid: "Then send me a message when you arrive at the airport, and I will pick you up."

Qiao Nian shook his head and looked at him seriously: "The Nie family just had an accident, and you got involved again. I'm afraid there are many eyeliners around you staring at you these days. If you come to the airport to pick me up, I will be exposed. It will attract the eyes of the Yinshi family and the Nie family to me."


Qiao Nian said calmly, "I'm here on a private matter. I told you in advance that I was just afraid that I might need your help at that time, so I told you. You don't need to come to me until I do."

Ji Lin understood what she meant.

"I understand."

He glanced at his master Huang, before he had time to ask Qiao Nian if he came to M state alone.

He heard his master's cold voice.



Ji Lin obviously didn't do anything, but he felt like he was shot while lying down. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and watched the screen in front of him go black.

That end is already hung up.


the other side.

Ye Wangchuan hung up the video, left the laptop on his lap next door, and slightly raised his head to watch the girl who was about to go upstairs.

"Are you going now?"

"En." Qiao Nian originally wanted to go up to get the computer, but upon hearing this, she sat down beside him and reached out to him, "Can I borrow the computer?"

Ye Wangchuan was silent for a moment, then handed over the laptop he had just put down.

The girl took the computer he handed over, opened it, her slender fingers fluttered over the keyboard, her expression focused.

Ye Wangchuan saw that she first found the search bar, then entered a URL, and then typed out a series of codes, the interface jumped, and she entered the backstage of the airline and started to create a passport for herself, and called it 'Ye One by one, I bought a plane ticket to M state at ten o'clock.

He watched as Qiao Nian bought the plane ticket, wiped out the traces of his intrusion with ease, and operated the mouse to fork off the page.

In the next second, her phone lighted up with a 'ding'.

(End of this chapter)

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