Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3569 I didn't expect sister Nian to help him

Chapter 3569 I didn't expect sister Nian to help him
All the year round, apart from the untouched hands on his face, there are dense tattoos all over his neck, and he can't wait to fill every gap in his skin.

Wu Ze has been with him for several years.

Ever since he was assigned to State M by Master Wang to take over the affairs here, this Wu Ze has been by his side and is very loyal.

Ji Lin only glanced at him, then looked away, swiftly picked up the glass on the table and took a sip of the spirits, and immediately said: "Of course not."

He knew that Qiao Nian came to M state for a very important matter.

It's just that she doesn't know exactly what Qiao Nian is going to do.

But with Ms. Qiao's character, she probably won't stay here for too long, it's probably just a few days.

Since she used a pseudonym and didn't let him pick him up at the airport, she was even willing to make a special trip to find her as a female companion, so she definitely didn't want to be noticed.

Ji Lin thought about what he had seen girls say when they dealt with these situations before, and when he raised his eyes, he met Wu Ze's astonished eyes: "A friend who deals in wholesale."


Wholesale snake ring?Still know Cage?He also said that he could sell his face to buy them a concept transport plane that has not yet been sold outside?
Why is wholesale so popular?

Everyone's expressions became complicated, and no one exposed his boss's lame lie.

God TM engages in wholesale!

The boss might as well tell them that girl is Sun.

Ji Lin also realized how bullshit he blurted out about being a wholesaler. He put down his wine glass, put his hand on his forehead, thought for a while and then remedied: "Don't tell me what happened today, if you let me know who is there Talking nonsense outside..."

He didn't expect that Qiao Nian came to help him solve the problem of not being able to buy the concept phone in Cage's hands... He thought Qiao Nian was here to ask him for a little favor.

If he had known that Qiao Nian had asked him to talk about this, he would have found another way to arrange a meeting.

But Miss Qiao trusted him and the people around him, and gave him a token after telling about Cage in front of these people.

A sense of responsibility arose in Ji Lin's chest, and he felt obliged to keep an eye on these people and not talk nonsense.

"You should know how I deal with traitors."

Ji Lin scanned the audience.

"Anyone who leaks what happened today, no matter what the reason, even if you tell me you've been drinking too much and talking in your sleep, you'll be considered a traitor!"

The people in the box who were still laughing just now heard the warning in his words, and all of them withdrew their foolish expressions and became much more serious.


"Don't worry, boss."


"We won't tell."

At the same time, someone whispered: "So the girl just now is indeed the legendary...sun?"

These people are different from the people under Mo Dong and Mo Xi who stayed in Continent F and Independent Continent all year round.

The people under Mo Dong and Mo Xi had seen Qiao Nian a few times and knew his identity.

These people had never seen Qiao Nian.

The main thing is that every time Qiao Nian came to M state, he would hurry and leave after finishing his work, rarely staying here.

Ji Lin helped her before.

But usually Ji Lin contacted her one-way, and then asked his subordinates to follow the orders. These people had never had contact with Qiao Nian.

Today is the first time we meet.

It was so shocking for the first time.

"Sun is so young and beautiful... I don't know if she has a boyfriend?" Some people blatantly said that they cared about this issue purely because they had the guts of a bear.

It's no wonder that person blurted out his attention to such a tricky point.

(End of this chapter)

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