Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3573 Sister Nian's first shot is a big deal

Chapter 3573 Sister Nian is generous when she makes a move

Because Nie Tao's call recordings were leaked, the other party lost the chance to run for governor, ruining half his life's future and career.

Although the matter of Nie Junwei has come to an end, if they don't come up with enough compensation, this politician will bite them hard like a mad dog...

In order to settle this matter, Nie Qingru did not lose much blood. Apart from agreeing to a financial compensation, she also promised to help the young people of the other party's family to get ahead.

Nie Qingru squeezed her forehead, it was rare for her to have such a headache, the tiredness was visible to the naked eye on her face covered by the wide brim of her hat.

The servant just brought the fruit tea.

Shadow reached out to stop the servant: "I'll do it."

The servant handed him fruit tea.

Shadow approached with the brewed fruit tea, and his silent figure was like a mountain. He bent his knees and gently placed the tea set on the table, poured another cup for Nie Qingru and handed it over.

"Queen, drink some water to moisten your throat."

Nie Qingru opened her eyes and saw the cup he handed over. She scratched his body like a knife and then retracted it. She reached out to take the teacup and said impatiently, "Go ahead."

Seeing that she took a sip and stopped moving, Shadow stood up silently and returned to his seat: "I received a message. People from the Pharmacy Association found the organizer of this charity gala and wanted to consign something, saying that someone had stored it before. With them, that person is unable to turn over the funds now, and plans to exchange this for money."

Nie Qingru's mind was a little sluggish. These days, the Nie family has been busy with affairs, so let her relax a little and don't want to think about it.


She somehow knew that Shadow would not report to herself specifically for an ordinary auction item.

Shadow raised his head and glanced at her: "It's a genetic medicine that can prolong life."

Nie Qingru stopped holding the cup, raised her eyelids and looked at him suddenly: "...You mean that the Pharmacy Association found someone from the charity auction party to send the genetic medicine?"


"Are you sure this genetic drug has the effect of prolonging life?" Nie Qingru twitched her fingertips, which was a small inadvertent movement when she was thinking.

Of course Shadow saw her twirling hands quickly, paused, and said very seriously, "Yes."

Nie Qingru became excited now: "How many people know about this?"

Shadow replied truthfully: "The Pharmacy Association intends to bid a high price, and the main guests who will be going tomorrow will know about it."

"Hey!" Nie Qingru held power for too long, and didn't pay attention to other competitors at all: "It seems that there are quite a few people who want this medicine."

People who have reached their position don't care about the happiness brought by money for a long time, and what everyone pursues is time.

More and longer to allow them to enjoy what they have.

Nie Qingru is of course no exception.

She had heard before that the Pharmacy Association had researched a drug that changed the human gene sequence, and the genetic drug could prolong life.

It's just that this experiment didn't seem to be very successful, and the big guys who supported this experiment later also withdrew their funds and stopped researching it.

Everyone thought the experiment had failed.

Who knew that the Pharmacy Association really had genetic medicine in its hands.

She did not doubt the authenticity of this medicine.

The Pharmacy Association is the authority in this area. Since they personally sold and auctioned this auction item, they will be responsible for the medicine.

Genetic medicine...

Nie Qingru had the inevitable desire to win, but before that, she still asked very cautiously: "Can you find out who asked the Pharmacy Association to send the auction?"

(End of this chapter)

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