Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3576 Sister Nian really mixed in

Chapter 3576 Sister Nian really mixed in
The next day.

M state charity dinner.

The dinner was held at a 7-star hotel owned by the Sippoll family.

For the banquet at [-] o'clock in the evening, the back kitchen has been busy since the morning, and the foreman manager called the waiters who will help at the banquet today for training early in the morning.

This banquet was of a very high standard, and there were hundreds of waiters alone.

In addition to the hotel's own waiters, some off-site miscellaneous personnel are also needed. These people are usually replaced by people who usually do odd jobs here.

Although these off-site waiters are not important, the dinner party is there after all, and the guests who come to participate are celebrities from all walks of life.

The hotel will not find ordinary people.

I'm afraid that if a guest encounters these off-site waiters and asks a foreign language, and these people can't understand it, it will be too LOW.

So the dozens of off-site handymen they hired were also international students from nearby colleges and universities, and they had to be people with good looks and temperament.

Of course, they also pay a lot.

"After the banquet starts, you don't want to wander around. Stay at your respective points, and if you see that there is not enough cake and champagne on the table, make up for it."

"In addition, the guests who came this time are all important people. As long as they haven't talked to you, no one is allowed to strike up a conversation in any form. Do you understand?"

The foreman began to gather a large group of people to talk about the rules at eight o'clock in the morning. It was almost two hours, and he still admonished the NO.80 people present with severe words.

Standing in the corner of the third row, there was an inconspicuous oriental mixed-race face in the crowd. Under the foreman's searchlight-like gaze, he responded inconspicuously: "Understood."

Just by looking at her appearance, she seemed to be very obedient.

However, if you listen carefully to the "understanding" of her words, you can feel a bit of rebelliousness and laziness, and you can't suppress the untamed in your bones.

However, no one will pay attention to an inconspicuous field handyman, and no one will notice that a small field handyman has a pair of wolf cub-like eyes.

The foreman explained another seven or eight cumbersome rules. Seeing that it was noon, he finally clapped his hands and let everyone go.

"Okay, let's spread out and help each other."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed expression on their faces, ready to do the birds and beasts.

at this time.

The foreman, who was about to leave with his legs up, ordered two people casually: "You, you. You two come with me, the kitchen is short of a vegetable washer."

Qiao Nian's eyes were fixed, and she was not surprised to see the finger pointing at her. She raised her hand and touched the bridge of her nose, quite speechless.

Another person who was stopped couldn't help complaining: "Tch, what a bad luck!"

He glanced at the unlucky guy like himself, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses to cover his eyes, and he could see that his facial features were not bad, and his temperament was not bad, but he didn't like to dress up and looked a little nerdy, but it was not very eye-catching.Otherwise, he wouldn't have noticed the appearance of the girl who had been standing beside him for a long time now.

He could vaguely see a pair of dark brown eyes under the girl's thick lenses, but they were blocked by the other's eyelashes before he could see clearly.

Mixed race?
He looked critically at the other person's skin and hair color, and was a little regretful that he turned out to be a mixed race with an oriental face.

In state M, oriental faces have never been viewed highly.

The locals don't exclude these yellow-skinned and black-haired people, but they don't like them too much.I always feel that this kind of people are inherently inferior, that is, they are not as tall and intelligent as their fair-skinned counterparts.

(End of this chapter)

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