Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3580 She felt a dangerous gaze behind her

Chapter 3580 She felt a dangerous gaze behind her
Here, Robert followed the shadow all the way to the first position on the left hand side of the main table to meet the woman who was the center of the topic tonight.

He greeted each other very familiarly: "Long time no see, Your Majesty the Empress."


Nie Qingru nodded slightly, and seemed to have a more gentle attitude towards him, then glanced at him again and said, "Why didn't your teacher come?"

Robert didn't dare to underestimate her flirtatious question, so he mustered all his energy to deal with it carefully: "Teacher, he was doing experiments in retreat and let me come here."

He has used this excuse on others, and no one has ever doubted its authenticity.

"Oh?" Nie Qingru gave him a nonchalant glance after he finished speaking, his eyes were calm and without warmth, but full of oppression.

Robert missed a heartbeat for an instant, and his intuition told him that the other party had seen through his lame lie, and might even know that Zhong Liuliu was in Independent Island.

However, he quickly collected himself, did not show any signs, and politely changed the topic: "You asked me to come here for something?"

Nie Qingru fiddled with the auction card in his hand: "I just asked you to come over and ask about Mr. Zhong's situation. Since your teacher is in retreat, you can convey your concern for me."


Robert watched his eyes and nose.

"I will convey the Queen's concern to the teacher."

Seeing that Nie Qingru seemed to have nothing to say to him, he raised his eyes to look in front of where the lights were focused, and said very politely: "The dinner party is about to begin. Empress, then I will go back to my seat first, and I won't disturb you."

"Go." Nie Qingru raised her thin lips, her attitude softened a lot.

The lights in the banquet hall began to dim, which was a sign that the banquet was about to begin.

Robert was about to leave quietly.

Suddenly, a voice as cold as frost and with a hint of sinister voice came from behind.

"Why didn't I know that the Pharmacy Association still has a laboratory in Independent State?"

Robert's heart was pounding, and he turned his head in astonishment, only to see Nie Qingru's sharp face sitting under the dim light.

She looked over with judgment, contempt, and mockery: "He just believed in Qiao Nian so much, he didn't hesitate to offend me for the sake of a little girl who didn't even grow all hair."

Robert's heart beat faster, because Nie Qingru's provocative words stimulated his heartbeat to jump out of his throat. If he hadn't clung to the palm of his hand, he might not be able to control the expression on his face.

"The teacher is in the laboratory. As for the experiments, I don't care about it." Robert knew that his expression must be very strange at this moment without looking in the mirror, and he was definitely not calm and calm.

Nie Qingru paused for a second when she heard the words, and lost interest after her sharp eyes brushed across his face, "Well, go back to your seat."

Robert didn't stop for a second, walked quickly, and went to the back row to find his own seat in a blink of an eye.

After he left, a shadow floated out like a ghost, leaning over Nie Qingru's ear: "Queen, do you want to find an opportunity to 'warn' the Pharmacy Association?"

It was close to seven o'clock in the evening, and the banquet was about to begin.

Few people paid attention to the episode on their side, they just thought that Nie Qingru called people from the Pharmacy Association to say hello.

Now that Robert returned to his place, the shadow went to talk to her... It was normal in the eyes of others, and there was nothing worth noting.

However, when Nie Qingru heard the voice of the shadow beside her ear, she was keenly aware of a gaze that fell directly behind her, like a sharp arrow coming from the wind that was about to pierce her heart, and the howling wind carried a sense of danger.

(End of this chapter)

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