Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3584 Sister Nian's medicine is crazy

Chapter 3584 Sister Nian's medicine is crazy

Not everyone is aware of the existence of 'genetic medicine'.

Except for a few families who had received the news before the dinner started that the genetic medicine of the Pharmaceutical Association would be auctioned tonight, most of the people who came to the charity dinner regarded this dinner as an ordinary charity dinner with a relatively high standard.

Ordinary charity dinner auctions are nothing more than some jewelry and emeralds, plus a small amount of calligraphy, painting and porcelain with collection value.

This is the first time I have seen medicines auctioned.

And the starting price of this medicine is jaw-dropping.

There was a buzz of discussion in the audience.

Many people's eyeballs are about to pop out.

"3000 million? I heard it right. The starting price of that drug is wrong? What kind of medicine costs 3000 million?"

A collectible sports car costs tens of millions.

A villa in a prime location is worth tens of millions.

But a tablet that looks mediocre under the light costs 3000 million... Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud when it got out.

However, such a ridiculous thing happened right in front of their eyes, they couldn't help but believe it!
"It is said to be an auction item consigned by the Pharmacy Association. What kind of medicine is this? Could it be a targeted drug for some kind of cancer?"

"The starting price is 3000 million, so there is a meaning of increasing the price. Who would spend tens of millions to buy a medicine?"

"Shhh. Didn't you see the reactions of the big figures at the main table? Even the Sipoll family, the organizer of this dinner, put on a posture of eagerness to try it... I'm afraid the price of this medicine is hard to say."

Not only did they notice the reactions of the main guests at the main table, but even the waiters who shuttled around the banquet in charge of delivering snacks and champagne to the VIPs were shocked by the pills being auctioned on the stage.

In the world of rich people, buying a medicine for 3000 million is extremely absurd and unbelievable, let alone in the eyes of ordinary people...someone will spend tens of millions to buy pills.

Yet things happen.

Surprised, the tall foreign man standing next to Qiao Nian turned his head and subconsciously glanced at the oriental woman's reaction.

Not surprisingly, he saw the other party leaning against the wall, hiding his figure and lowering his head, carelessly pushing the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Then, as if noticing his gaze, he raised his eyes to look at him——

He didn't know what he was nervous about for a moment, sticky sweat emerged from the palm of his hand, he straightened his neck before the other party looked over, squeezed the palm of his hand tightly, and looked straight at the direction of the auction on the stage, as if he had never looked indiscriminately Like!

Auction begins.

An elder of the Sippoll family raised the auction card first, smiled at the others and called out the price: "Then I'll warm up the scene for everyone first. Thirty-two million."

He looks like he's added a lot.

Increase the price by 200 million in one breath.

But this is only heroic in the eyes of outsiders.

In the eyes of people at the same level as him, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is warming up. The 200 million is just an addition, and it can be regarded as a kind of humility for the organizer of this banquet.

Sure enough, someone began to break the eager atmosphere.

A second person will follow right away.

No. 9 held up a sign and shouted: "4000 million."

This time I added 800 million in one breath!
Call the price directly to 4.

That didn't deter anyone who would compete with him.

Next, No. 3, No. 4, No. 7, No. 10... raised signs one after another.

The price of that pill has soared from eight figures to nine figures, and the latest asking price is No. 6, which has already been called over [-] million.

The key is that the few big figures at the main table in the front row have no intention of stopping at all.

(End of this chapter)

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