Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3586 The old witch finally made a move

Chapter 3586 The old witch finally made a move
The girl's figure was hidden in the darkness, only her outline could be vaguely seen.

Looking at the calm and calm reaction on the other side, Robert knew that God Q had long expected it would cause a sensation, and at the current price...

He silently turned his head back, and looked at the stage again.

The tablet at the focus of the light is really nothing worth noting. I am afraid that if it falls on the ground, it will be kicked away in disgust.

However, such an ordinary tablet was robbed by a group of M state bosses.

He didn't understand why this was happening.



Qiao Nian touched the hat subconsciously, only to realize that she was not wearing a peaked cap, and was still a waiter disguised as a handyman.

She didn't pay much attention to the situation on the stage, and took out a candy from her pocket and threw it into her mouth, with a relaxed expression, as if the excitement around her had nothing to do with her.

Compared to other people's surprised or puzzled reactions, she was too calm.

However, this calmness does not come from the fact that she is not short of money, money is just a number to her, but that she knows too well what these elderly rich and powerful people are thinking.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, it is absurd to spend so much money on a pill.

But for these people, this piece came from the first-class hands of the Pharmacy Association, and there is only one piece of 'genetic medicine' that is worth more than diamonds.

Because they want to live...

The Pharmacy Association is independent from all continents and oceans, but it is respected everywhere. Even people like Lu Zhi and Nie Qingru will not easily offend Zhong Liuliu. Why?
Are they afraid of the power of the Pharmacy Association?

The Pharmacy Association doesn't have much self-protection ability at all.

But everyone has a tacit agreement.

That is, no matter how much the various forces compete for it, the doctor will not be moved.

Everyone is afraid that one day they will get sick and get injured!
Even a desperado can kneel down to the doctor and cry for help when he is on the verge of life and death.

This is the fundamental reason why the Pharmacy Association is respected everywhere and no one dares to offend.

The root cause is this group of people—fear of death.

Her gaze pierced through the crowd and landed on Nie Qingru again. From her perspective, she could only see the back of Nie Qingru's head.

Every strand of Nie Qingru's hair is coiled in a delicate bun, and one can see from a distance that this person's self-discipline and strength are beyond ordinary people.

She was inexplicably irritable, she wanted to play with a lighter to divert her attention, and she also wanted to play Pai Gow... Finally, Qiao Nian just lowered her eyelids, bit the fruit candy in her mouth, and let the sweet taste in her mouth dilute the destructive irritability.

Nie Qingru raised his placard for the first time when the price was called to 5 million.

She has the highest status, and the auction card she gets is also No. 1.

She raised her hand: "6 million."

There was a silence in the banquet hall.

After a short period of silence, it was like blowing a pot.

"6 billion?"

"That one actually made a bid. I thought she wouldn't participate in this round of bidding."

"I remember that the last asking price in the last round was 5 million? This is almost a 1000 million increase in one breath? Oh boy, you are indeed the one."

"I want to know the origin of this medicine. It's worth a group of big shots to grab it." Someone murmured with absent-minded eyes.

Nie Qingru's identity is supposed to be there.

Out of respect for her after she shot, no one else will compete with her anymore.

But this time the situation is different.

As the first-class secret research achievement of the Pharmacy Association and the only gene medicine in the world, not everyone is willing to let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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