Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3605 Who else is there besides Master Lu!

Chapter 3605 Who else is there besides Master Lu!

Shadow couldn't hide his emotion, but he didn't dare to show it. He suppressed his surging emotions and whispered: "It should be that Young Master Ye."

"Who?" Nie Qingru didn't wait for him to answer, and asked to himself, "Ye Wangchuan?"

The interrogative sentence she said was in an affirmative tone.

She sneered sharply, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, her eyes were like a desolate ice field, only the nature of a beast remained: "He likes my granddaughter."


Shadow lowered his head and dared not speak.

Nie Qingru's face was frosty: "Did you go to the vault to check? Something is missing."

Shadow almost bent his spine under the pressure of guilt: "Subordinates went to look at it. It's missing... the antidote you put in the safe is missing. In addition..."

He couldn't go on.

Nie Qing Ruque didn't let him go, staring at him: "What else?"

Shadow knelt down with a plop, kneeling straight on the ground, and said dejectedly, "There are and ashes."

Nie Qingru only heard a groan in her head, her fingernails pinched the palm of her hand, piercing into the bone: "What did you say?"

Shadow understood what these two things meant, and he didn't dare to repeat them at all.

Nie Qingru had actually heard it clearly, but she couldn't accept the result.She clenched her teeth tightly, the back molars creaked, and she smiled angrily: "It's very good. It's very good! It's really Ji Wu Falcon's kind. I really regret that I didn't investigate Ji's situation when I was soft-hearted. If I hadn't Let me know that she still has a child living outside so that this bastard will not be left behind!"

Cutting the grass does not remove the root, the spring breeze blows and it is born again!

After all, she has softened her heart.

Nie Qingru pinched the palm of her hand and almost fainted from anger. Fortunately, she is strong enough, and she is used to being the only one. Even if she encounters setbacks, she will not lose her mind.

"Immediately block all overseas flights and ports in State M. Within 24 hours from now, I will not allow anyone to leave the country."

Shadow suddenly raised his head: "Queen, is it too tough to do this? The Privy Council...will not agree."

Nie Qingru looked extremely calm under the extreme anger, and the turbulent waves were all hidden under the calm surface. He said without hesitation: "I will let the Privy Council agree!"

"You..." Shadow wanted to persuade again.

Nie Qingru raised her hand to stop him, closed her eyes, opened them again, and said loudly, "I will never allow anyone to take him away."

In the boundless night, the black Buick blended into the stream of traffic and drove smoothly on the road, throwing off the cars following the water behind.

Until they are sure they are safe.

Ji Lin's tense muscles relaxed, and then he forced a smile to comfort the girl who was also sitting in the back row: "Miss Qiao, it's all right now."

Qiao Nian raised her hand to take off the rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose and held them in her hand, looked up at the man driving through the seat: "When did you come?"

"The plane landed an hour ago. I asked Ji Lin to check your whereabouts and rushed over here." Ye Fanchuan drove with one hand, and put one hand on the reverse wheel to reveal the black bracelet on his thin wrist. The extremely simple bracelet The skin is extremely white, without any femininity.

Just like him, he is arrogant and noble, watertight and extremely reliable.

For a moment, Qiao Nian didn't want to ask him how he guessed that he was in danger.

Because she knew Ye Wangchuan didn't guess it, he just chose to rush to her immediately...

It was Ye Wangchuan who watched her fall silent through the rearview mirror from the corner of the eye, and said softly, "Why didn't you ask me how I knew you were in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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