Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3608 Delusion, the port can't go

Chapter 3608 Delusion, the port can't go
Ye Wangchuan was angry because he was angry, the car drove fast and steadily, stepped into the foggy port in the dark, and stopped the car.He unbuckled his seat belt and said to the two of them, "Get out of the car."

Ji Lin got out of the car first, stood by the door and asked Qiao Nian, "Miss Qiao, do you want me to help you?"

"No. I can go down by myself." The girl jumped out of the car with the stolen clothes, looked at the brightly lit port, and turned to look at Ye Wangchuan: "Shall we go from the port?"

Ji Lin hesitated to speak: "My lord, the old witch has sealed off the airport and the port. It may not be easy for you to leave at this time. Or go back with me, and I will find a way to help you hide for two days..."

Ye Wangchuan walked straight forward.

"Staying for one more day is more dangerous."

Ji Lin had no choice but to catch up: "But you and Ms. Qiao really can't leave right now. I have received news that M state is under martial law, and even I have no ability to send you away at this moment."

"..." Qiao Nian didn't say a word, and followed along with her hands clasped.

Seeing that the man walking in front didn't listen to his advice at all, Ji Lin was so anxious that he turned around and saw Qiao Nian, thinking of her: "Miss Qiao, please give me some advice. Now the airport and port are the most dangerous places for you. You go back with me first, and I'll think of a way. Even if Nie Qingru wants to blockade M state, it won't be too long, as long as we avoid the pursuit during this time, we will be fine."

Qiao Nian's eyes were dark, and he couldn't answer what he said for a long time. She really wanted to ask him: Can't you see that he is angry with me?
However, Ji Lin looked at her like a savior, wishing to wag her tail, which made Qiao Nian unable to speak for a long time.

"Miss Qiao..." Ji Lin thought she wanted to leave too, and was about to re-analyze with her how dangerous it was for them to appear in the port now.

Qiao Nian opened her mouth slowly: "I..."

She just opened her mouth.

The man in front looked like he had eyes behind him. He turned his head, expressionless: "Ji Lin, what's the matter? Don't believe me?"

Ji Lin's back felt cold in an instant, and he could hear his contemptuous tone, which was serious. He opened his mouth wide and shook his head instinctively: "No. Of course I believe you."

Out of the corner of Ye Wangchuan's eyes, he caught a glimpse of that figure, saw that she followed behind leisurely without saying much, felt blocked in his heart, raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows, and suppressed the emotion that surged up in a moment: "Then follow up! "

He turned away.

Ji Lin had no choice but to follow.

Qiao Nian was keenly aware that he glanced at her for a second, and then retracted his gaze in an instant, as if he didn't want her to find out.

Um, so angry?

Qiao Nian looked at the man's clear back, paused in his steps, raised his hand and rubbed his swollen temples, and suddenly felt a headache.

It was not easy for her to hold him on the pier to explain something, so she touched her nose and continued to follow the two people in front without saying a word.

Nie Qingru blocked the port very quickly.

Continent M has a total of 7 ports.

The port that Ye Wangchuan drove over is the second largest port, and it is also the central point where freight and logistics converge.

Because she wants to completely blockade the airport and all ports, no matter how powerful Nie Qingru is, it is impossible to have a clone who can personally supervise every place.

Therefore, the actual implementation still depends on the members of her hidden family.

Qiao Nian didn't know how she persuaded the old men in the Privy Council to agree to her doing this. When they arrived at the port, they found that many cargo owners were negotiating with the Hermit family.

(End of this chapter)

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