Chapter 3620 Gu San is also here

Gu San's tough face instantly showed joy when he saw Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan, and he walked over quickly: "Miss Qiao, Master Wang!"

He scratched his head and said embarrassingly, "Miss Qiao, I'm not late, am I? I hurried over after receiving the order from Master Wang. Fortunately, I made it."

Qiao Nian looked at someone again: "You already guessed that Nie Qingru would not let us go easily?"

From the time he came to save himself, and then on the way to the airport when he heard that the Yinshi family blocked the foreign planes, he rushed to the port without the slightest hesitation, and there was a ship from Cage at the port...

Now that Gu San appeared, and the phrase "Hurry up, hurry up", it can be seen that everything was arranged by him, and even Nie Qingru's reaction was within his guess.

Qiao Nian suddenly remembered what Qin Si had said jokingly—"If you play with your mind, you can play with dead people." '

He was really sorry for Qin Si's evaluation.

It's just a walking humanoid bug.

She could imagine how angry Nie Qingru would be when she received the news.

But Qiao Nian couldn't help laughing, anyway, she was quite happy, especially when she thought that Nie Qingru and the Yinshi family were not very happy, she was even more happy!

Ten hours later, the helicopter arrived at Independence Island and stopped on the apron of the First Research Institute.

Feng Yu had been waiting for them to arrive outside the tarmac. Seeing that Qiao Nian came back unscathed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "You really can't do it all day. My old bones will be scared out of my heart sooner or later." sick!"

He was about to reach out to pat the girl's right arm: "'s fine."

"Old wind."

A hand came in horizontally, and the quick-eyed hand quickly grabbed his hand.

Unknown, Feng Yu turned around and saw Ye Wangchuan's serious face, and heard him say: "Her hand was injured."

There was astonishment in Feng Yu's eyes, and he suddenly looked at Qiao Nian again, his temples throbbed, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't get it out of his mouth.

"never mind!"

His eyes were full of helplessness, and in the end he could only compromise.

"Even if I tell you, you won't take it to your heart. Next time, you will rush into any danger. Anyway, I will tell you, you are still young, and your days are still long. You are so troubled every day, in case One day I will toss myself away, I will not regret it after seeing you..."

Qiao Nian listened to his babbling, she never stopped in her footsteps, she stopped at the door and followed Feng Yu, "I'm going to the hospital."

Feng Yu was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "I'll arrange a car for you."

"Okay." Qiao Nian just thought about it, but this time he didn't refuse his kindness.

Feng Yu looked at the exhaustion on her face, so he couldn't say much about her, and immediately asked someone to arrange a car.


Qiao Nian came back this time with the identity of the First Research Institute. It means that as long as she doesn't tell, no one will know that she went to M state these two days and turned M state upside down.

Feng Yu arranged an unremarkable car for her, Qiao Nian got into the car first, the driver got Feng Yu's order, the driver was silent and didn't say much, and drove directly to the hospital where Ji Lingfeng was.

Independence Island is still in the evening.

The orange sunset paints the sky, and the sunset cloud drags out a long tail, like an airplane cloud.

Qiao Nian relaxed and rubbed the space between his brows, opened the car window, and let in the cool breeze outside. As if thinking of something, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and found the number in the blacklist.

Drag that number out.

Editing messages with white fingers, typing with one hand is not slow, and sent a text message in no time.

(End of this chapter)

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