Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3622 Sister Nian: I won't go in yet

Chapter 3622 Sister Nian: I won't go in yet
There wasn't a single redundant word in this text message, it seemed to be stating the facts, but combined with the current situation, it seemed extraordinarily aggressive and provocative.

She seemed to see the girl sneering mockingly, looked at herself, raised her eyebrows, and said, "Are you disappointed? I'm in Independent Island."

"Heh." Nie Qingru let out a breath of cold air after a short period of breathlessness, her eyes were covered with frost, and squeezed out two words: "Looking for death!"

Qiao Nian received a call from Ji Nan on the way to the hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital, Ji Nan came out to pick her up and took her all the way to the ward. Qiao Nian also asked about Ji Lingfeng's physical condition in the past two days.

Ji Lingfeng's physical condition is not good.

He has been vomiting blood for the past two days. If Zhong Liuliu didn't sit here and guard him, Ji Lingfeng might not be able to survive these few days.

Ji Nan was clearly aware of this, and said to Qiao Nian before going up the stairs: "It's all due to Mr. Zhong staying in the hospital for the past few days, otherwise my father won't be able to support you back."

Qiao Nian walked in front, wearing her usual sweater, a blue sweater with a bold print on the front, and a black peaked cap with the brim pulled down.

She looked the same as usual, so that Ji Nan didn't notice that she had a side arm, only heard the girl's footsteps not stopping, and lazily replied: "Ah. Got it."

Ji Nan originally wanted to ask her how to thank Mr. Zhong, but Qiao Nian didn't mention it, and it's not good for him to continue the topic at this moment.

The two walked up to the second floor in silence, walked out of the corridor, and when they were about to approach the ward, the girl stopped suddenly and didn't intend to move forward.

Ji Nan followed her one step away, seeing Qiao Nian stop, he was taken aback for a moment: "Why don't you keep going, we'll be there soon."

Qiao Nian didn't leave, she raised her peaked cap with her left hand to reveal her beautiful eyes, looked at him and said, "You go first, I won't go in. I'll go to Master Zhong to ask about the situation."

Ji Nan didn't seem to expect that Qiao Nian didn't plan to visit the ward. After a short period of astonishment, he felt that it was not surprising that Qiao Nian didn't go to the ward. After all, they both had awkward personalities.

So he nodded and didn't have to argue: "Mr. Zhong is in the next room, and he requisitioned the next room as a temporary office."

"Hmm." Qiao Nian replied, she knew it, raised her left hand to wave to him, and walked towards the next door without looking back.

That back is full of free and easy.

Ji Nan stood there watching her walk into the office, turned around, and was about to go to Ji Lingfeng's ward.

Suddenly he stopped abruptly.

Huo Ran turned his head and looked in the direction where the girl left. As if realizing something, his brows were furrowed and his expression became uncertain.

Why did he feel that Qiao Nian didn't seem to have moved his right hand today, and the left hand he didn't usually use when waving to him just now...

He thought of something for a moment, and even wanted to catch up and ask.

But there was some hesitation on Qingjun's face, he was afraid that he was thinking too much and making things out of nothing.

After a short period of entanglement, Ji Nan decided to wait for Qiao Nian to come over before asking her about her hand, and then simply go back to the ward to see Ji Lingfeng before waiting for Qiao Nian to come over.


In the room next door Zhong Yili occupied.

Just as Qiao Nian entered, she didn't know that Ji Nan had already noticed that her right arm was injured, and when she entered the room, she found a seat by herself as if no one was there.

There were voices at the door.

Like Zhong Liuliu and a doctor.

The two were discussing Ji Lingfeng's condition.

(End of this chapter)

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