Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3626 Aunt Xie, we have no other choice!

Chapter 3626 Aunt Xie, we have no other choice!

Several experts were called by Zhong Liuliu later, and one or two experts were here from the beginning and knew Qiao Nian.

When the one or two people saw Qiao Nian stand up and promise, they pulled the hands of their companions and signaled them not to speak, and believed in Zhong Lao and the others.

The other experts, despite their fears, chose to perform their duties to give Ji Lingfeng a final inspection in the face of the persistent Zhongliu Liu and Qiao Nian.

When they get the latest indicators, they will immediately conduct an antidote skin test on Ji Lingfeng.

Because it is a skin test, they will not inject too much antidote at first, just to see if Ji Lingfeng's body can accept the antidote ingredients and whether there will be drug resistance.

It is said that this process is unlikely to cause major problems.

However, when Qiao Nian found Ji Nan and Xie Yun and told them about the antidote, Zhong Liuliu led the expert team to give Ji Lingfeng a skin test, and something went wrong.

First, a little nurse ran out to inform them: "The patient's family members are ready, the patient has completed the skin test."

Ten minutes later, an expert in a white coat hurried over, looked at Ji Nan and Xie Yun, and said in a serious tone: "The patient has a slight drug expulsion, if it continues, it may be dangerous, please continue to inject the antidote ?"

When Xie Yun heard the words 'repellent' and 'dangerous', she subconsciously grabbed Ji Nan's arm, gritted her teeth, and didn't answer right away.

A pair of eyes turned towards Qiao Nian, as if he wanted her to give an answer.

"Nian Nian, we..."

Qiao Nian also didn't expect Ji Lingfeng to have drug-expelling properties, so he raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, gave Xie Yun a comforting look, and then said hoarsely: "Aunt Xie, you have stayed here for so long, you should understand his body If the detoxification is not continued, the toxicity in the blood alone can kill him. We have no other choice!"

Xie Yun met those cold and rational eyes, her heart fell into place, she suddenly stopped panicking, turned her head and pursed her lips, and said to the expert, "We insist on the injection."

The expert nodded and confirmed again: "You must insist on the injection, right? Okay, then I will go in and convey your opinion to Mr. Zhong."

He hurried out and hurried in.

The whole process took less than 1 minute.

The lights in the operating room were on for three hours, during which medical staff came out from time to time to update them on the latest situation of the patients.

The first one or two were all bad news.

Zhong Liuliu injected the antidote into Ji Lingfeng's veins in three batches. The amount each time was not large, just to take care of Ji Lingfeng's fragile body.

Even so, Ji Lingfeng's health is still worse than everyone imagined.

It was the first time the nurse came out and said that Ji Lingfeng had a small red bump under his skin, which was suspected of being allergic.

The nurse came out for the second time and said that Ji Lingfeng had convulsions and shortness of breath after the second injection, and suspected an asthma attack.

The third time the nurse came out and said that Ji Lingfeng's lungs also started to swell.


If Xie Yun hadn't had the support of Ji Nan and Qiao Nian, she wouldn't have been able to persevere. Every time the door of the operating room opened, she would be afraid to hear the notification that frightened her when the medical staff came out—sorry, the patient is gone.

Fortunately, after the initial thrills.

The more optimistic the news the nurse brought to the back.

"The patient has completed three antidote injections, the toxin index in the body is decreasing, and the pulmonary edema is under control. Now the doctors are waiting for the data after an hour. If the toxin index continues to decline, the patient can be released."

(End of this chapter)

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