Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3628 The eyes of two men meet

Chapter 3628 The eyes of two men meet

Xie Yun realized later that she saw the red bloodshot eyes smeared in the corners of the girl's eyes, as well as the tired look under the eyelids, she felt guilty, and hurriedly said: "Yes, Ji Nan is right, you go back and rest first. I'll stay here, what's the matter?" I will get in touch with you."

"Okay." Qiao Nian didn't insist, mainly because she was really tired.

Strictly speaking, she didn't close her eyes for almost 24 hours, and she had to wait until Ji Lingfeng finished injecting the antidote all by endurance.

Xie Yun pushed Ji Nan again: "Go see Niannian off."

Ji Nan took the car keys and walked forward: "Let's go, I'll take you back. My mother is watching here, so it's okay if I go out for a while."

Qiao Nian lowered her voice and said to Xie Yun: "Aunt Xie, please tell Mr. Zhong for me later, just say that I will come back tomorrow."

"Okay, don't worry." Xie Yun agreed wholeheartedly.

Only then did Qiao Nian straighten her legs, put one hand in her pocket, and left the hospital with Ji Nan.

Ji Nan Road was still asking her about M State, Qiao Nian only picked up a few light things to talk about.

When the two walked to the entrance of the hospital, Ji Nangang said, "Wait for me here, and I'll drive."

I saw a black Phaeton waiting outside for an unknown amount of time, and when they came out, it slowly drove in front of them to block the way.

The window of the driver's seat of the Phaeton was rolled down, revealing the man's dignified side face, Ye Wangchuan slightly turned his head to look at the two of them, and set his eyes on the girl: "Get in the car."

Qiao Nian was stunned for a moment: "Why are you here?"

Then he pulled down his peaked cap, turned his head and said to Ji Nan naturally: "You don't need to see me off, you can go back first."

As she said that, she went down the steps and pulled the passenger door to get in the car. By the way, she fastened her seat belt, rolled down the window, and waved to Jinan: "Go back first."

Ji Nan was still hanging the car keys on his fingers. Seeing that Qiao Nian was familiar with the car on the road and asked him to go back again, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the people inside with complicated eyes: "Send me a message when you get home."

He didn't have a sister before.

Ji Ziyin has always been at odds with him.

He also couldn't understand the other party's pretentious appearance, so he had no relationship in private.

Ji Nan didn't know what it was like to have a younger sister. Anyway, at this moment, he didn't have the comforting feeling of his old father. He only had the fucking feeling that someone drove into his house and took away their precious treasure in person.

But at least he knew that Qiao Nian's relationship with Ye Wangchuan was much better than with him. Although he felt uncomfortable, he lowered his voice and blessed the man in the driver's seat before the car drove away: "Take care of her."

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows and met Ji Nan's eyes.

Ji Nan didn't give in at all, as if he knew something, he glanced at Qiao Nian's right hand without a trace like a man, which was full of meaning.

Ye Wangchuan knew that he probably found out that Qiao Nian was injured, so he nodded without saying anything, and said arrogantly and lazily: "You don't need to say. I know too."

"It's good that you know." Ji Nan let go of his hand, indicating that they can leave, he really didn't want to see his cabbage being beaten by others.

Qiao Nian didn't notice the exchange of glances between the two, rolled up the car window, leaned on the back of the seat, and said, "I'll take a nap."

Ye Wangchuan raised his hand and put the coat he brought on her body, turned up the air conditioner in the car, and said, "Go to sleep, I'll drive slowly."

Qiao Nian nodded slightly, her eyelids were half drooping, and she had fallen into a light sleep with his coat on.


72 hour later.

Good news from the hospital.

Ji Lingfeng was out of danger and transferred to the special needs ward for observation, which also meant that the toxins in Ji Lingfeng's body were released.

(End of this chapter)

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