Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3642 sun, what kind of hatred does he have with you

Chapter 3642 sun, what kind of hatred does he have with you

Use the other party's entry and exit photos to check the surveillance...

Only Qiao Nian can use this method.

Because looking at the independent continent, there is no system that she cannot invade.

"If that person changes the entry and exit photos..." Guan Yan suddenly remembered after taking a sip of water.

Qiao Nian had thought about this a long time ago, smiled, and looked sharply: "It's very simple. But if anyone's photo on the list doesn't even have a trace of movement in the road surveillance video, it can also prove in reverse which fake he used. ID card. Then I can call up the entry and exit footage of this fake identity... If he even handles the entry and exit footage, it will be easier. I will ask Simon to check all the overseas entry and exit information and asset background of this fake identity. As long as he People have appeared in Independent Continent, so it is impossible to go without a trace..."

After hearing this, Guan Yan couldn't close her mouth wide open, so it took her a long time to give her a thumbs up, and said sincerely: "It's a good thing you didn't check me, Sun. Otherwise, you could find out what color underwear I'm wearing today! "

Qiao Nian's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at her leisurely.

Guan Yan immediately shut up and said to the business: "Even Simon said he had a grudge against you, boss, how did you provoke him? Hiss, could it be that you have always abandoned him?"

"Use idioms well." Qiao Nian reminded her impatiently.

Guan Yan also made a joke: "Haha, I'm just talking. If you really give up on him, he will not want your life, but you will be responsible."

She propped her hands on the table to admire the girl's overly attractive face, and exclaimed in admiration: "It's really cheap."

Qiao Nian's scalp was numb from her stare, she moved her eyes, leaned back, folded her chest with one hand and said, "It's serious. I really didn't know there was such an enemy."

"Isn't that Queen's person?" Guan Yan frowned.

Qiao Nian shook his head: "I see what Simon means, this man has a personal grudge against me."

"We have offended a lot of people, but no matter in the illegal area or F state, there are really not many people who are so big that they bother to go to such a big trouble to kill them. Some of them have been honest recently. In fact, I didn’t go out on my territory. Besides, even if they did it, the people from the illegal area and F state would not dare to admit it... I’m honest, the method of killing you in the Mingshui Mansion is too shady and illegal. No one in the District and F Continent can do it!" Guan Yan fell silent for a while as he spoke, not in the mood to joke anymore.

Qiao Nian was worried about being stared at by such a cunning and cunning guy.

After thinking about it, Guan Yan raised his head and said, "I don't have anything to do recently, so I'll stay here for the time being. I'll leave after your work is done."

Qiao Nian raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

Guan Yan shrugged his shoulders with a relaxed face, not giving Qiao Nian a chance to refuse: "Boss, don't say you won't let me stay. My boyfriend is still here. Anyway, I should pamper him when I'm in love. Don't worry about it." People dumped me, isn't it too miserable for me."

"He will dump you?" Qiao Nian didn't even believe a single punctuation mark, he knew why Guan Yan stayed, but he didn't expose his good intentions.

Guan Yan smiled, and also relaxed and joked: "Why not? Young Master Qin's good looks, good looks, and family background, the famous ladies who chased him in Beijing lined up from the streets of Chang'an to the end of the street, and the family has frequently urged marriage for more than a year. He got another fiancée in just one day. I don’t know how long I can be a girlfriend, and I might be laid off tomorrow.”

(End of this chapter)

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