Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3949 Boss, he's out of bullets

Inside the mansion.

"Boss, he's out of bullets." The young man finally forced Ye Wangchuan to run out of ammunition, and they relaxed their tense nerves.

A bald-headed strong man watched his companions fall down one by one, leaving only a dozen or so of them, and now he couldn't help but tilt his head and spit as soon as he relaxed: "tui, this kid is too difficult! If it weren't for someone outside Our people, I am afraid that we will all be folded in."

The young man exhaled foul air from his chest, looked ahead and said, "Yes, if he hadn't run out of bullets..." They were going from hunters to prey tonight, and death would be a joke!
The brawny bald man rubbed his palms excitedly, urging him: "Then what are we waiting for, I've been suffocating all night, waiting to catch this kid and deal with him properly!"

On the contrary, the young man glanced at him, disapproved and said coldly: "He is a respectable opponent, give him a good time later."

"Tch!" The brawny man didn't take it seriously, and reluctantly agreed because of face: "The boss has already said so, then I will give him a good time."

He muttered: "It's really cheap for that kid."

On the one hand, it seemed that Ye Wangchuan had been reduced to their grasp and could be crushed to death at any time, with a frivolous look on the corners of his eyes and brows.Mockingly said: "So what about Sun's men, they are going to die in the hands of our brothers. This is nothing more than Hongmeng and Sun. At least you have to learn from Jian Zhuxue if you pick a man's eye. How good is our master~"

"Okay." The young man stopped his smug face, his face was serious, he was always paying attention to the surrounding environment, and maintained a high level of mental alertness, and said: "It's not the last moment, and accidents will happen at any time. Don't you Say a few words and be careful. Let's finish the task quickly and get out."

The strong man picked up the gun and said disapprovingly, "He's out of bullets, it's really amazing if an accident can happen."

The door kicked open by Qiao Nian hit the wall and bounced back.

But he has no better way at this time.

The sound of the other party's footsteps was getting closer.

Then, at the moment when everyone was holding their breath, there was a loud knock on the door from below, directly breaking the tense atmosphere in the air.

This decision is very dangerous.

Because he did use up the last bullet, leaving only close combat.

One step, two steps.

Da da da.

Ye Wangchuan's proud face was rarely composed of a trace of seriousness, he clenched the handle of the gun tightly, and the muscles of his forearm burst out with strength, ready to deal with the person who came at the fastest speed at any time.


The girl's footsteps echoed in the empty space of the stairs, and at this juncture, every beat accurately stepped on everyone's heart.

The footsteps were getting closer.

While they were talking, Ye Wangchuan changed the gun and held the head of the gun backwards, ready to attack the first person who came over with the handle, and then snatch the opponent's weapon...

She walked inside without looking back, and went straight up the stairs.

The young man and the strong man looked at each other, and they all saw doubts in each other's eyes.


"Our people?"

As the leader of these people, the young man had to hold his breath, lowered his gun and said, "Cheer up and be careful."

In this urgency and stern atmosphere, no one thought about dealing with Ye Wangchuan's problem anymore, they all wanted to see who kicked in the door.

They privately thought that most of them came from their own people.

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