Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3956 Miss Nian never hits a straight ball

Chapter 3956 Miss Nian never hits a straight ball

Seeing that Ye Wangchuan was still awake, Ji Lin knew that Master Wang's injuries were not serious, so he settled down and obeyed the arrangements to make way: "Okay."

Qiao Nian half-footed down the steps, and saw a few familiar faces from the corner of her eye, remembered something, stopped, turned around and explained to Ji Lin: "Well, those people over there..."

Ji Lin followed her gaze and saw several people from Lu Zhi.

Without knowing it, he looked at the girl again: "Miss Qiao, tell me."

Qiao Nian said with deep eyes: "I promised to let them go. Let them go. You can decide what to do with the others."

Ji Lin looked at those people again.

The few people obviously heard Qiao Nian's words, and for a moment they didn't know whether they were dreaming or in reality, they just felt that they were very lucky.

Just now in the mansion, Qiao Nian did say that as long as they leave, he will not do anything to them.But after the situation reversed, they didn't dare to hope that they would be able to retreat unscathed.

Unexpectedly, Sun would still remember something that none of them dared to hope for.And really keep their word and let them go!

Ji Lin confirmed who they were with her, and promised with a serious face: "Miss Qiao, don't worry, I will make arrangements."

"Okay." Qiao Nian stopped worrying about this matter, continued to bear most of the man's weight, and said in a rare gentle voice, "Let's go."

A trace of joy flashed in the depths of Ye Wangchuan's eyes, he didn't mind leaning on her again, his thin lips raised slightly, and his voice was deep: "Okay."

If Gu San was here, he would definitely see that he could actually leave by himself, but he just liked the feeling that Qiao Nian was nervous about him.

However, Gu San stayed in Beijing and did not follow.

Qin Si was so full of thoughts about what Qiao Nian said about being shot in the shoulder, he didn't even notice Ye Wangchuan's slight joyful expression.

Not to mention Ji Lin, he was busy doing what Qiao Nian told him.

Soon Guan Yan drove a jeep over, stopped in front of the two of them, opened the driver's door and jumped out of the car: "Sun, shall I take you there?"

"You haven't recovered from your injury. Stay here to help Ji Lin deal with the follow-up matters. I'll go there by myself." Qiao Nian opened the passenger door.

Looking back a little uncomfortable, how should I take care of others, try to relax my strength, and ask: "Can you go up?"

The thick night in Ye Wangchuan's eyes melted into a pool of spring water, as if there was a small hook, one hand propped on the car door as if standing a bit struggling: "I will try my best."

"Okay." Qiao Nian let go of her hand slowly, but said worriedly: "If not, I'll carry you up."

She had a serious expression on her face, and she even really wanted to do it.

"Cough!" Ye Wangchuan felt a choke in his chest when he heard it, he regained his composure, and went up quickly and steadily.

Seeing him get into the car, Qiao Nian closed the car door for him, walked around to the other side, put on his seat belt and fastened it, then turned to him and said, "You don't need to wear a seat belt because of your shoulder injury, I'll try to drive as slowly as possible. "

Ye Wangchuan was overwhelmed by her natural "I'll carry you up" just now, this time he didn't say anything, and responded.

Qiao Nian put it in gear and stepped on the gas pedal, trying to drive the car as smoothly as he said.

She is used to drag racing, this kind of steady driving is undoubtedly a disguised torture for her, comparable to an old lady moving.

She has always had a bad temper and limited patience.This time, he drove steadily along the way, didn't say a word of complaint, and turned on the air conditioner in the car to increase the temperature.The man with a low hoarse voice and a slightly sick face said: "You go to sleep for a while, and I will call you when you arrive."

(End of this chapter)

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