Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3958 Wang Ye's situation is more serious than expected

Chapter 3958 Wang Ye's situation is more serious than expected

Yu Yan came to the illegal area after leaving the Pharmacy Association. Qiao Nian secretly covered him because of Zhong Yiliu's relationship and provided him with a lot of funds and facilities for research.

He has been staying anonymously in this hospital to carry out his own gene medicine research project.

If it wasn't for Qiao Nian's phone call, he would still be stuck in his small pharmaceutical laboratory and wouldn't come out.

"He was shot in the shoulder." Qiao Nian tried his best to control his emotions, and said concisely: "I just touched his forehead, and he has a fever."

It was rare for Yu Yan to see her mood fluctuate so much, and he looked at her in surprise: " and him..."

He stayed in the pharmacy laboratory of the hospital all year round, and his impression of Qiao Nian stayed in the time when Qiao Nian went to the Pharmacy Association many years ago.

At that time, Qiao Nian came to the gym, relying on her superb knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and herbal medicines, which made Zhong Liuliu look up to her with admiration.

Even Yu Yan, who was still with Zhong Liuliu at that time, was deeply impressed by Qiao Nian. He only remembered that Qiao Nian was withdrawn, cold and arrogant, and had no interest in anyone.

At that time, he was still wondering whether orientals had this kind of personality, so unscrupulous, arrogant and arrogant.

Until now, he saw the unconcealable worry and irritability in the girl's eyes, and he was obviously disturbed by the physical condition of the man in the car.

Yu Yan asked curiously.

"You and him won't be... that kind of relationship?"


Qiao Nian didn't wait for him to answer, but reacted from his body language.He admitted very frankly: "Well, he is my boyfriend, the kind of relationship you are going to get married in the future, count it as the kind of relationship you mentioned."


The boyfriend's impact on Yu Yan was not that great, but what Qiao Nian said about the relationship that he would get married in the future would have a greater impact on him.


For a moment, his head was buzzing and he couldn't react.

Qiao Nian stood up, not wanting to waste time, interrupted him neatly, and said to him, "Help me get him into the operating room first, and I'll take the bullet out of his shoulder."

"I suspect it's shotgun."

Yu Yan looked at her suddenly: "Shotgun?"

Qiao Nian said in a bad tone, "Yes."

Shotgun is a kind of bullet that is no longer allowed in the world, just because this kind of bullet is extremely cruel. When the bullet hits the human body, 10-30 small steel balls will explode on the head, causing a large number of injuries to the wound. Injury, but also tormented people who were shot were in pain.

Because this bullet is too inhumane, it was banned in most countries around the world shortly after it came out.

As a doctor, Yu Yan had of course heard about the injurious power of such inhuman bullets, so he immediately forgot about the impact of gossip and entered a professional state.

"Okay. I'll have someone prepare for anesthesia."

Qiao Nian walked inside: "I'll do this operation!"

Hongmeng headquarters is 10 kilometers away.

Jian Jin slammed on the brakes and stopped on the side of the road. Through the front glass of the car, she saw the flames rushing up not far away, and the flickering lights and shadows were printed on her face.

She put her hands on the steering wheel, and after a long silence, she whispered, "Boss, our people are all folded in."

Lu Zhi sat in the back row, his fair face didn't respond much, he looked at the fire outside with complete indifference, and said lightly: "Isn't this the result you want."

Jian Jin looked back at him, unable to speak for a while, she looked away in embarrassment for a long time, and said in a muffled voice, "This is not what I want! I just...forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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