Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3973 He talks bad about you everywhere

Chapter 3973 He talks bad about you everywhere


Qiao Nian remembered what Ye Wangchuan told Moxi to do in the mansion, and was distracted for a while, so she didn't hear Qin Si clearly.

Wait for her to recover.

Qin Si received another call and had to tell her, "Sister Qiao, I'm sorry, I'm calling from home, I'll answer the call."

He pointed to the side.

Qiao Nian nodded to indicate that he was free.

Qin Si hurried away with his mobile phone, and went to the side to answer the phone.

Guan Yan was telling Qiao Nian how they would deal with Lu Zhi and Nie Qingru's people after she left...

Ten minutes later, Qin Si walked back with an embarrassed expression.

When Qiao Nian mentioned Weilou, he immediately thought of it.

He fixed his eyes on Qiao Nian: "What do you mean Man Jingshi speaks ill of you? Has he ever gone to someone else??"

Qiao Nian understood, the confused expression on his face disappeared, he was too lazy to stand up, and leaned against the wall with all his strength, supported his face with his hands, turned his head, and said, "So he is planning to fill the capital now." Speaking ill of me?"


In fact, Qin Si is not compared with these overly perverted masters, he is considered a witty and smart person among his peers.

After she reacted, the confused expression on her face faded, and she was a little sleepy: "What's wrong with him?"

"The one from the Wei family?" Qin Si was taken aback for a moment.

But it depends on who you compare it to.

Why did Sister Qiao make things bigger on purpose?

Qin Si doesn't swear easily, unless he can't help it: "Stupid!"

Qin Si didn't react immediately.

Sure enough, it doesn't hurt if the knife doesn't stick in your body, right?

Before Qiao Nian could ask him, he said with a gloomy face, "Sister Qiao, do you know a man named Vancouver?"

Qin Si frowned, with a bad expression on his face: "What does he want to do? By tarnishing your reputation in the capital, to force you to release me?"

Master Wang hasn't woken up yet, if it were him, he would have been able to arrest Nie Qingru and Lu Zhi and bloom a few flowers on them.

"En." Qiao Nian responded casually: "As far as I know, he also looked for Weilou."

"??" Qiao Nian didn't realize it at first, but immediately felt that the name was quite familiar, oh, isn't it the name that Wei Lou mentioned to her.

Guan Yan and Ji Lin listened to the general idea, and cast their worried eyes on the girl.Ji Lin's position is not convenient to intervene, so Guan Yan doesn't have so many scruples.

Qiao Nian was tired of seeing these low-level methods, her brows and eyes were cold, and she couldn't raise her spirits: "It should be."

"My mother said that he came to my house to speak ill of you." Qin Si's forehead was bulging with veins, and he was depressed: "He said that you relied on Wang Ye's liking and ignorance of the general situation, and suppressed others when Wang Ye was injured , making things bigger on purpose."

As a member of the top circle in Beijing, he seems to be in a daze among the top three generations, not as outstanding as Ye Wangchuan and Bao Jingxing who are of the same age.

He walked back and forth very irritablely: "This person is out of his mind! Does he know what happened? He doesn't know anything, stands on the moral high ground and guides others to do things. Fuck him crazy!"

"Sun, those people in Beijing won't..." Let me tell you.

She didn't finish the rest of the sentence.

Qiao Nian told her categorically, "No."

Guan Yan's annoyed expression softened a little, it's not going to be okay, otherwise those people would be too bad, their boss is busy here and is misunderstood by others, that's disgusting enough.

(End of this chapter)

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