Chapter 3978
Mr. Xue could hear his disapproval inside and outside the words, and his attitude of not taking Qiao Nian seriously. He paused and said in a low voice, "Did you speak ill of her in Beijing?"

"?" Vancouver didn't react for a while, and sat up a little while holding the front seat, and asked without knowing, "What do you mean? The conditions she raised have something to do with me?"

"It has something to do with you." Mr. Xue said bluntly: "Qiao Nian called me and told me that she already knew the conditions we offered. The conditions were fair, but she wanted to add a compensation. She said that you met people everywhere in Beijing. To tarnish her reputation, she wants 8 million mental damages."

"How many?"

Vancouver's mind buzzed, and he subconsciously held the phone tightly to his ear, and blurted out: "Why didn't she grab it!"

His whole body was filled with blood, and a fishy sweetness welled up in his throat, and he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

8 billion!
The future granddaughter-in-law that the Ye family is looking for really dares to ask for it. She is not as thick-skinned and daring as she is to rob a bank!Why doesn't she rob the bank!
"I have already promised to give the money." The old man in the green shirt obviously didn't want to entangle him in this matter, and before Vancouver asked, he said lightly: "Maybe you have heard of Sun."

Vancouver originally couldn't understand why he easily agreed to such an unreasonable request. Is the Hermit family crazy?

He frowned tightly, grabbed his phone and said unsteadily, "I heard it. What does this have to do with Sun? Does she know Sun?"

Vancouver reacted fairly quickly, and immediately thought that Qiao Nian knew the legendary boss of the illegal area.

The hidden family suppressed Nie Qingru's news to death, and Lu Zhi was in charge of the illegal area, so it was difficult for the outside world to hear the news inside.

In addition, it didn't take long for the incident to spread, and many forces inside the illegal zone didn't figure out what happened that night.

The Vancouverites were outside, and most of the news they got was dictated by Mr. Xue.

Mr. Xue wanted him to be a lobbyist, and he spoke in a subtle way, hiding a lot of things, and only told him about what happened.

Qiao Nian's identity was not mentioned.

Ordinarily things have come to this point, if the Hermit family gave an extra 8 million, we can’t blame Vancouver for being reckless, but whoever gave out so much money for no reason would feel uncomfortable.

What's more, the matter of the Privy Council's visit this time is him, so of course he and the Xue family should pay the money...

Old Xue was even more dissatisfied with Vancouver's actions that he didn't discuss with him in private, and he didn't care about Vancouver's mood when he spoke, and said directly: "She is sun."


Wen Gehua stood up suddenly, his head immediately hit the roof of the car, and there was a tingling sensation.

Because of his extreme surprise, he even forgot that he was still in the car back to the hotel.

Such outrageous behavior also startled the driver in front of him, he turned his head and said to him in a daze, "Sir, are you alright?"

Vancouver's face turned blue and white and red, and his expression was in a trance, as if he didn't hear the driver's words, he went straight to Xue Lao: "Why didn't you tell me that she is... yes..."

He was about to die of anger.

Huge remorse enveloped him, and Vancouver felt that he was going to be out of breath, his shoulders trembled, and he couldn't control his emotions at all.

"You tell me her identity in advance, and I won't..." I won't run off to offend her in a daze!
Mr. Xue didn't feel guilty at all about this: "You didn't tell me, you even ran to find the people from the Wei family's Wei building and the Qin family."

(End of this chapter)

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