Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3981 Sister Nian: Is it possible to be poisoned

Chapter 3981 Sister Nian: Is it possible to be poisoned

He knelt down to look at the little guy, said no thanks, then stood up again, and asked the girl, "Who did you come to see me for?"

"Yeah." Qiao Nian pulled a chair for Ye Qichen to sit on, and stood there by himself, talking to Yu Yan: "Why hasn't he woke up yet?"

Yu Yan spread his hands: "How do I know about the surgery you performed?"

Qiao Nian frowned, her eyes were firm and she couldn't hide the irritability: "I can be sure that the operation process will be fine!"

"That's it." Yu Yan also said firmly: "I can also be sure that all the data of his body are recovering. It is only a matter of time before he wakes up."

Qiao Nian's eyes were full of uncontrollable depression: "But he hasn't woken up yet!"

Once again, Yu Yan saw that she couldn't control her emotional side, so she was quiet for a while, walked over and patted her on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Q, wait a little longer."

Qiao Nian exhaled a foul breath, and the manic spirit disappeared.Before turning around and taking Ye Qichen away, he stopped and said to Yu Yan, "I'll wait for a day at most. If he still doesn't wake up tomorrow, I'll go find Nie Qingru."

Yu Yan's eyebrows twitched when he heard this, he watched the girl go out, picked up the internal phone and dialed several members of the medical team.

"Come to my studio."

"Let's discuss the patient's various physical data and analyze whether there is a possibility of poisoning."


the other side.

Ye Wangchuan has not woken up for three days.

Naturally, the reconciliation with the Yinshi family that the Ye family had promised before could not proceed.

Mr. Xue and Vancouver also fell out because of Qiao Nian's 8 million mental damage fee. Now that Vancouver is in Beijing, he is unwilling to run errands for the Hermit Family any more.

Things have come to an impasse.


Compared to outside, Mr. Xue and Ying Ying tried their best to rescue Nie Qingru.

Nie Qingru who stayed in the manor was much more at ease.

Ever since she 'cooperated' with Moxi and others to record the video, she knew that her plan would definitely fail. Apart from being shocked and angry on the first day, she quickly calmed down on the second day.

For the next two consecutive days, she was able to ignore a dozen strong men in the manor who were full of evil spirits, as if nothing had happened, so she should do what she should do.First-class psychological quality!
On the evening of the third day, there was no news of Ye Fanchuan waking up from the hospital.

Even Modisi, who has always been calm, was a little shaken this time. If he hadn't needed to sit and watch Nie Qingru in person, he might have rushed to the hospital to guard Nie Qingru like Ji Lin.

Although he tried his best to comfort himself that Ji Lin, Young Master Qin and Ms. Qiao were in the hospital, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not, it's better to stay here and do the job for Mr. Wang...

But Nie Qingru still noticed the clue of the gradually disappearing smile on his face.

After finishing her dinner, she wiped the corners of her mouth gracefully with a napkin. Her sharp eagle eyes noticed the diminishing smile on the face of the silent man standing beside her. She suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and said as if deliberately provocative: "Let me guess." Guess, maybe something happened to your master?"

Moxi looked up at her, raised his hand to push the glasses on his face, and replied calmly: "Queen, if I were in your old situation, I wouldn't say such things."

Nie Qingru carefully looked at the uncontrollable depression in his eyes, smiled suddenly, and gracefully dropped the napkin: "It seems that something really happened."

The veins on the back of Moxi's hands were bulging, but he was still able to remain unprovoked.

But the people in the other bunkers in the living room were not so calm. All of them were angry, and they put their hands on their weapons, as if their swords were on the verge of breaking out.

(End of this chapter)

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