Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3985 Qiao Nian, don't mess around

Chapter 3985 Qiao Nian, don't mess around


Before Moxi went out to pick him up, the gloomy-eyed girl had strode in.

"Miss Qiao." Moxi was surprised that she came so quickly, and greeted her politely.

Qiao Nian hummed and brushed past him.

From the moment she came in, she felt the unfriendly eyes from all around, and the dissatisfaction with her floated in the air, but those emotions were well hidden.

She didn't know what happened here before she came here, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Nie Qingru's arrogant demeanor that was too late to put away.

Qiao Nian walked straight over.

Nie Qingru looked at the girl's approaching steps, felt a faint sense of uneasiness, took half a step back, stabilized her figure, and snapped at Qiao Nian who kept approaching her: "Qiao Nian, why are you crazy?! Stop, stop!" You are not allowed to come here.”

The girl approached step by step without saying a word. When she got very close to her, she took out a small Bock pistol from her pocket, and loaded it in front of Nie Qingru.

She lowered her eyes to load the gun very skillfully, and her whole body was full of murderous intent, extremely serious.

Nie Qingru's eyebrows jumped up suddenly, her face was terrified, and she took two steps back again, very defensive: "What do you want to do? I'm your grandma!"


Qiao Nian had already loaded the bullet, raised her eyes, walked forward casually, put the muzzle of the gun on her forehead, and smiled.

"Then do you want to see my mother?"

Nie Qingru's expression changed suddenly, she stared at the girl in front of her in disbelief and said, "Qiao Nian, are you crazy?"

She was not afraid of threats from Moxie, nor was she afraid of people from other bunkers in the manor.

But she had to be afraid of the girl in front of her.

Nie Qingru knew very well that other people would scare her the most, but Qiao Nian was different, this villain really dared to do it!

Facing Qiao Nian's noncommittal indifference, she took a deep breath, tried her best to adjust her facial expression, squeezed out a barely loving expression, looked at the girl and asked in a slow voice, "You must have a reason to lose your temper at me. Well, what happened?"

"Tsk." Qiao Nian looked down on her posturing, but she had something to ask Nie Qingru.

Only then seemed to save face and said slowly: "You let someone put poison on the bullet?"


Nie Qingru thought that she had heard wrongly.

"What do you mean?"

Qiao Nian impatiently pushed the muzzle of the gun to her forehead, and said, "Don't move."

Nie Qingru didn't dare to move at once, and stood stiffly in the same place again, with a strong and shrewd old face stretched out, and the corners of her mouth were desperately trying to make a benevolent expression: "I don't know what you mean, but I didn't have people put poison on the bullets."

She asked with concern again: "Could it be that Ye Wangchuan hasn't woken up yet? So you suspect that he was poisoned."

Moxi heard the conversation between the two, and his forehead twitched. He looked at the girl, worried and anxious: "Miss Qiao, Master Wang hasn't woken up yet?"

"Tsk." Qiao Nian's cold eyes fell on the corner of Nie Qingru's mouth that was raised for a moment. His eyes were surly, slumped and cold, and his fingertips were straightened. He was about to teach her a lesson to wake up.

Nie Qingru felt her overwhelming killing intent, her heart sank, and she quickly stepped back and said, "Qiao Nian, don't act recklessly. You should be very clear about the consequences of touching me in the illegal area. Even if you don't think about yourself, you can It’s time to think about the people brought by Hongmeng and Ye Wangchuan. Are those people your friends? You don’t care about them anymore?”

(End of this chapter)

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