Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3990 Master Wang peels oranges for Sister Nian

Chapter 3990 Master Wang peels oranges for Sister Nian
Ye Wangchuan closed his eyes slightly, his outline was sharp, no pain could be seen from his expression.

But when Qiao Nian looked down, he saw the veins on the back of his hand grasping the bed sheet bulging, which was not like the calm expression on his face.

Qiao Nian herself had experienced many of these pains, but she couldn't bear to look away at this moment. After the effect of the medicine had passed, she turned back and walked over to wrap the wound on his shoulder layer by layer with gauze.He whispered: "In the future, the medicine will be changed every three days, and after a month, it will be changed to once a week until your wound scabs."

"En." Ye Wangchuan opened his eyes, the sunlight from outside fell on his tall nose, and his eyelashes were covered with a layer of gold.

He pulled up his clothes, buttoned himself, and talked to Qiao Nian, his voice hoarse: "Are you going to release Nie Qingru?"

"She can't die in an illegal area."

Qiao Nian didn't mention the deal between the Yinshi family and the capital city, bent down to remove the medicine box, sat down on the chair beside the bed, picked up the fruit bought by Qin Si and others on the table, and started peeling.

"I went to meet her. She doesn't know that the Hermit Family is about to impeach her. When she goes back, she will be busy."

Qiao Nian handed over the peeled orange. There was a gleam in her dark eyes, and her tone was as casual as ever: "Sometimes it is more painful to break a person's willpower than to kill her. That's it. Dead, too cheap for her."

After hearing her finish, Ye Wangchuan stretched out his hand to take the orange in mid-air, glanced at the girl's unconcealed coldness, and knew that the scene where she saw Nie Qingru would never be good.

She took it slowly, her eyes darkened, she pursed her lips and said, "I haven't figured out how to explain to you what Lu Zhi did this time."

Qiao Nian saw the oranges she had peeled back in front of her again, paused for a moment, raised her eyes to look over, and touched the thick inkstones in the man's eyes.

She is not one to hesitate.

Heart skipped a beat.

In fact, Ye Wangchuan thought of a possibility, but it just touched the mania in the girl's eyes, he didn't say it, but handed back the orange that had been carefully peeled off the silk screen: "There will always be someone."

Before that, she noticed the man on the hospital bed again, and silently took out a candy, pinched it on her fingertips and refused to eat it.He loosened his brows and pretended to be relaxed, "It's impossible for a living person to disappear for no reason. He must be around here."

He no longer mentioned Nie Qingru, lowered his head and patiently tore off the silk screen on the surface of the orange, and said softly: "Then Zhai Xicheng..."

Just because Lu Zhi did such a thing, everyone must have turned their faces.

Qiao Nian has always been indifferent to the outside world, but she knows what Jian Jin's dream has always been.

"I'm still looking for someone." Qiao Nian frowned irritably, reached for the lighter from his pocket, and wanted to take it out.

It's just that Jian Jin was involved.

Jian Jin always wanted the three of them to go on for a long time.

This time, Jian Jin also risked falling out with Lu Zhi, and rushed to the Hongmeng headquarters regardless of her own safety. Anyway, at least she couldn't trouble Lu Zhi immediately after the incident, making Lu Zhi lack arms and legs.

But after this time, Qiao Nian was sure that she and Lu Zhi could no longer be friends.

Everyone stands in a different position, and the principles of doing things are different.Not to mention that Lu Zhi's actions touched her bottom line this time, and she went too far.

Even if they had a fateful friendship, he didn't use it like this.

 PS: Don't worry, the old hag will be unlucky
(End of this chapter)

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