Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3997 Shouldn't I stand up for him?

Chapter 3997 Shouldn't I stand up for him?

Lu Zhi was silent for a while, ignoring the hints in Jian Jin's eyes, and said indifferently: "He blocked the way. In addition, I owe Nie Qingru a favor. This is a condition she proposed, and I have no reason to refuse."

Qiao Nian crossed her legs, pinched her head and nodded.The pitch-black pupils were calm, as if he knew that Lu Zhi would say: "Okay!"

Seeing her like this, Jian Jin knew that Lu Zhi had gone too far, and Qiao was angry.

Regardless of the presence of several high-level officials, she hurriedly smoothed things over in the middle to block the spark of communication between the two: "Joe, that's not what Boss Lu meant. know he has a problem with his brain! Sometimes he just short-circuits, doing some incomprehensible things."

She paused, and begged in a tone: "But we have known each other since we were young, and we have gone through ups and downs together until now. Can you forgive him once?"

Qiao Nian couldn't hold back his anger at first, and almost quarreled with Lu Zhi over the table, but now he met Jian Jin's pleading eyes.

She was so angry that she endured it, her temples protruded, and she pressed the tip of her tongue against her chin, trying to calm down: "I forgave him once."

Jian Jin remembered that Lu Zhi did the same good thing last time!

She was speechless, and looked back at the young man who was sitting motionless behind the desk. She felt that one head was bigger than the two, and she turned around again: "...he can make mistakes."

She raised her eyes and said to Lu Zhi: "Even if I didn't stand up for him, I would still find you. Besides... I should stand up for him?"

But her expression betrayed her thoughts, Lu Zhi was silent for a moment and replied: "It's not me."

"..." Jian Jin was confused.

And all of a sudden bad breath.

He spoke in interrogative sentences, but in an affirmative tone.

"Know what?" Qiao Nian asked him back.

Lu Zhi probably knew why Qiao Nian came looking for him, Qingling looked over with deep eyes: "You want to stand up for Ye Wangchuan?"

Lu Zhi was stunned for a moment: "You really don't know?"

"Zhai Xicheng is indeed in Tianchen's hands." To be precise, Zhai Xicheng is in Lu Zhi's hands.

She instinctively turned her neck to look in Lu Zhi's direction again, her face was full of doubts, she couldn't directly ask Lu Zhi if he told Qiao Nian privately.

This question was entrenched in the minds of several executives present, and each other wanted to ask someone close to each other, but they all got a look of "I don't know".

Qiao Nian probably guessed what she would say.

How did Joe know?

Jian Jin's temples throbbed, and she reflexively watched the girl's reaction.

Jian Jin was taken aback: "Joe, you know?"

The three of them were like playing a charade, and it was hard for Tianchen and those executives who stayed in the office too late to leave, and they didn't understand what Qiao Nian and the others were saying.

——Who is Zhai Xicheng?

The girl was sitting on the sofa indifferently, holding a lighter in her hand and playing with it, her crow-black eyelashes drooping and painted with a layer of plain color by light and shadow.

His voice was low: "I didn't say."

Lu Zhi stared at her for a while, stopped, and subconsciously opened a document in his hand. In fact, his eyes did not fall on it, and his tone was much calmer than before: "I still have something to deal with, I don't have time to greet you today. Let Jian Jin take you down..."

Jian Jin opened her mouth, but she didn't have time to speak to Qiao Nian.

The girl suddenly became angry and threw the lighter on the table with a 'snap'.

At the same time, she stood up, looked at the young man sitting behind the desk, and asked in a tone as if frozen in ice: "Lu Zhi, do you think I'm easy to provoke?"

(End of this chapter)

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