Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4001 Qin Shao, you have really been in love before

Chapter 4001 Qin Shao, you have really been in love before

It turned out that at that time... Joe paid the money.

Jian Jin couldn't express what she felt in her heart for a while, she only felt the softness and bitterness together, which made her feel more and more heavy and complicated.

She thanked the waiter, opened the door and walked out of the cafe.

Jian Jin subconsciously searched for the familiar figure with her eyes, but there were people coming and going on the road, so she couldn't tell where Qiao Nian had gone.

Jian Jin walked to her car parked by the side of the road, opened the driver's door, threw her bag in, and seemed to remember something before getting into the car.

Bending down to open the zipper of her bag, she took out her phone and found her phone number that had been specially set on the top. After some hesitation, she edited a text message and sent it.

[Jane: Qiao, Tianchen's cargo ships are frequently robbed on the high seas, is it your fault? 】

Jian Jin looked at the message "sent successfully" on the text message, her heart felt like a heavy stone, she pinched the phone, got in the car and sat down to wait for a reply.

Qiao Nian didn't notice Jian Jin's text message until he returned to the White Mansion of the Hongmeng headquarters.

Guan Yan glanced at him: "You can tell what Sun is thinking?" The old members of the Red League often couldn't figure out what Sun was thinking.

Moxi pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Young Master Qin, have you really been in love before?"

The tone of speech is really not flat.

Qin Si: "???"

Guan Yan rolled her eyes in her heart, and decided not to talk to idiots, so as not to lower her IQ: "I'll ask David if tomorrow's flight is arranged."

He also kindly asked: "Can't you see?"

Hua Arm followed immediately: "I'll go too."

"Did I say something wrong?"

Turning around, she whispered to Guan Yan: "I don't know what Sister Qiao and Jian Jin talked about. I don't think she's in a good mood, so she shouldn't be arguing."

Qin Si rubbed the bridge of his nose, naturally finished the mouthful of dog food, and watched the girl walk to the inner room.

As a result, Qiao Nian didn't go over, but nodded to them and walked to the bedroom where Ye Wangchuan was: "I'll go and see him."

Qin Si also tactfully moved out of the way and made the seat bigger so that the girls could sit.

Suddenly only Qin Si, Mo Xi and Ji Lin were left in the living room.

Does this have something to do with whether he has ever talked about love?

Qin Si looked at the suddenly vacated living room, but he still didn't figure out what he did wrong. Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out and looked at Mo Xi, who he thought was quite smart.

While she was talking about putting the car keys on the cabinet in the entrance, she looked sideways at the text messages on the phone, and walked inside... When she entered, she saw Qin Si, Mo Xi, and Guan Yan all in the living room.

First Young Master Qin went in without knowing it: "???"

Guan Yan reacted the fastest, stood up to give way to Qiao Nian, and said to Qiao Nian, "Sun, you are back."

They happened to hear the movement at the door, and all of them turned their heads to look at her.

Besides, Guan Yan just went to the side to contact David, he was still in this villa, what nonsense was Moxi talking about... but he didn't talk about it!
However, before he could teach Mo Xi how to speak, he heard the other party get up and walk in front of him, put his hand on his shoulder and pat him twice, and said in a sighing tone: "Young Master Qin, go back and make up for it." The way to get along with girls. Look at Mr. Wang, he has never been in love before, and he is better than you when it comes to love. Learn more in the future!"

Qin Si was baffled by what he said on the phone: "What's wrong with me..."

"Hey!" Moxi didn't intend to answer his questions. He patted his shoulder twice before letting go. He gave him a look of understanding and walked away: "I'll call Missy." Call and ask her if she needs help."

It's called saying something, and it makes people's hearts itch.

(End of this chapter)

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