Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4005 Zhai Xicheng used a pseudonym

Chapter 4005 Zhai Xicheng used a pseudonym

"Xue Dan." Qiao Nian said a name.

"Xue Dan?"

The person in charge of the dock desperately searched for this name in his mind, but nothing came up.He had no choice but to say nicely, "Sun, why don't you wait here, and I'll use the computer to look it up."


The registration computer used by the terminal is an old desktop, not connected to the Internet, and the registration staff at the terminal use this computer as a paper notebook.

No matter how powerful Qiao Nian's computer technology was, he couldn't hack into this kind of old desktop computer that didn't even have a network cable to check information.

So a group of them followed the person in charge and went into the warehouse to find the staff in charge of registration to check the information of Zhai Xicheng.

Along the way, she heard many workers talking about them.

"Who are these pedestrians? Why did the person in charge bring them here? Could it be some big shot?"

"What is the big man doing at the pier?"

"Hey, this girl looks familiar. And the big flower arm next to her, why is it so similar to the characteristics of Hongmeng. I heard that the boss of Hongmeng who is in charge of shipping has tattoos. He has a big flower arm in one hand. He is strong, tall and tall. Fierce...are they really the same person?"

Qiao Nian heard murmurs from the crowd again.


"Hongmeng came to our place? No way."

"Looking at the attitude of the person in charge surrounding them, are they really the Red League?"

Most people only dared to mutter quietly, no one was afraid of death and danced in front of the steaming cooker, Qiao Nian pretended not to hear it, and followed the person in charge all the way into the warehouse.

Said it was a warehouse.

In fact, it is a place built on the wharf to stack miscellaneous goods.

There is a simple table and chairs on the left hand side of the warehouse entrance, with a yellowed old-fashioned computer on it, which is regarded as a registration entrance.

The person in charge of the dock walked over in two or three steps.

The staff member who was sitting there fishing immediately turned off the card game on the computer, stood up abruptly, and shouted, "Boss, boss. Why are you here?"

It's the most relaxing place to work.

The person in charge of the terminal arranged for his wife's natal nephew to come in, but on the surface, the relationship between the two is still the person in charge and the employee.

He walked over quickly: "Check to see if there is a man named Xue Dan here."

"Uh..." The staff member sneaked a glance at him, standing there without reacting.

The person in charge immediately frowned, and called him displeased: "What are you doing standing there, check it out!"

"Ah good."

The staff came back to their senses, sat back hurriedly, used the mouse unskilledly to turn out the registration form, and did not forget to look up and ask again: "Xue...?"

He saw the girl standing behind his uncle with her arms crossed and said casually, "Xue Dan. Xue with the cursive prefix, the pill of elixir."

He then entered these two words, clicked the mouse and quickly searched for the above name.

It's a newcomer who came in a few days ago.

The staff didn't know what the people in front of them were looking for this Xue Dan, so they instinctively told him to keep his mind on his own business, so he said flatly: "The Xue Dan you are looking for is on the No. 1206 ferry and is about to leave the port."

The person in charge immediately turned his head and explained to Qiao Nian and his team: "In addition to helping to carry the goods, the dock workers sometimes help escort the ship when there is a shortage of manpower."

"I know the ship he mentioned. It is a ship transported by Hongyun Company. This company is often short of people, and has signed a long-term cooperation contract with our terminal..."

Qiao Nian raised his eyelids: "What time will the ship depart?"

The person in charge immediately urged his nephew: "Did you hear that? Quickly check the departure time."

(End of this chapter)

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