Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4013 Sister Nian: don't inquire about social affairs

Chapter 4013 Sister Nian: don't inquire about social affairs
Hua Yi drove a car over, stopped in front of Qiao Nian, and stuck out his head from inside: "Sun, get in the car."

"Hmm." The girl walked at the end of the group, with her hands in her pockets, just like when she came.

The person in charge of the pier followed her all the way, seeing the red jeep stopped in front of them, blocking the way, so he was embarrassed to follow.Looking at the girl, he said, "Then sun, I will send you here. That person..."

Qiao Nian raised his eyelids, and his dark eyes looked at him indifferently.

The person in charge of the dock immediately gave up the idea of ​​inquiring about the news, and made a respectful 'please' gesture: "Sun, please."

The girl opened the car door with one hand, and looked back at him sideways before getting into the car: "Curiosity killed the cat."

There was a hint of warning in the casual tone.

The person in charge of the dock froze, and immediately realized that the other party had guessed the little calculation he had just had in mind, so he suppressed his nervousness and forced a smile.

"of course."

"Don't worry, Sun, I won't talk nonsense."


Qiao Nian didn't care if he would talk about today's affairs, turned around, turned to get in the car, and slammed the passenger door.

Seven or eight jeeps left the pier in an orderly manner...

The person in charge of the dock stood in place and watched the exhaust of the red jeep until the rear of the car disappeared around the corner. Then he wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked back with a slightly solemn expression.

on the jeep.

The girl pressed the window of the car, put her arm on the window, held the mobile phone in her right hand, her crow black eyelashes drooped, her white fingers were bathed in the sun, and she was editing a text message.

From the corner of Huaji's eyes, he saw it, probably because he successfully captured Zhai Xicheng this time, and he talked to Qiao Nian with a relaxed expression on his fierce face: "Sun, are you sending a message to Young Master Ye?"

He thought that Qiao Nian couldn't wait to share the good news with Ye Wangchuan.

The girl didn't bother to raise her eyelids, her typing speed didn't slow down at all, and she was able to answer his question at the same time: "No."

Just a little lazy.

The kind of laziness after relaxing the nerves.

There happened to be a traffic light in front of her, and she slammed on the brake with one foot, and looked sideways at the girl playing with her mobile phone, showing curiosity.

Qiao Nian was used to being stared at, so he didn't look up, and didn't know what kind of eyes Hua Bi was looking at him, so he just typed out a line step by step and sent it out.

She hooked her head and saw the words 'send successfully' displayed on the screen, put away her phone, leaned back, put her hands on the back of her head, closed her eyes and meditated.

Hua Bi originally wanted to wait for Qiao Nian to finish sending the text message before asking, but saw that the girl had already rested on the back of the chair with her eyes closed.

He was also embarrassed to quarrel with the girls again.

Just before the traffic light jumped to green light.

Huaji slowed down, held the steering wheel, and drove the red jeep steadily towards their base camp.

at the same time.

State M.

There is a tense tug of war going on in the Privy Council.

Comparable to a football field, the Great Council Hall, which can accommodate hundreds of people, is overcrowded at the moment, and there are people sitting on every step.

Everyone is in formal attire, a very formal occasion.

They either held a form in their hands with a solemn expression, or exchanged something in whispers with the person next to them.

The huge council hall buzzed continuously.

At this time.

The double doors of the council hall were opened from the outside, and hundreds of people looked over in unison.

I saw someone coming in from the outside first.

Lei Kai, who is the youngest and most junior, walks in the front.

(End of this chapter)

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