Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4016 The Yu family rejected your offer

Chapter 4016 The Yu family rejected your offer
Lei Kai did not participate in the discussion between the two, and sat down next to Mr. Xue. In this way, he was separated from Quentin.

The old man in blue probably felt someone sitting down beside him, turned his head to his side, and cast sharp eyes on him: "You also agree with the Archbishop's approach?"

"Old Xue, this is the legitimate right granted to our Privy Council by all the families of the Hidden World Family. I don't stand on anyone's side, I only stand on the side of the result."

The old man in the green shirt hit nails on the left and right sides, the left side was hard stubble, and the seemingly light words on the right also gave him soft nails.

Lei Kai told him clearly that they should be loyal to the Hidden Family, not someone from the Hidden Family...

Mr. Xue understood that it was meaningless for him to continue talking.

He simply stopped making fun of himself, sat upright in his seat, and waited for the staff on the stage to kick off the impeachment conference vote.

This is an extremely serious matter.

The Privy Council has never held a meeting of this level before.

In such a solemn occasion, it is impossible for the staff to come up with so many gaudy opening remarks like an auction.

So as soon as he went up, he asked someone to lower the curtain, aimed the ultra-clear projector at the wall behind him, stood in front of the microphone, and lowered his voice to inform the hundreds of people below: "Everyone, keep quiet, 5 minutes Then we will have a voting session."

He introduced the back curtain.

It probably means that everyone has a remote control in their hands, with two buttons for and against, after voting.

The projector on the stage is connected to the computer to synchronize the voting results of everyone, and the voting will change in real time until everyone casts their own vote.


"Empress." Shadow came over in a hurry at this time. In the dim environment, his expression did not look relaxed: "The old man said... neither the Yu family nor the Ross family gave a clear answer."

Nie Qingru's expression darkened by an inch.

In this case, if the other party does not give a clear answer, it is a silent rejection.

The Yu family is just a small role in the Hidden Family, and Yu Qingliu's death last year was even more vital, and they are about to withdraw from the Hidden Family.

In the past, she would not be able to see the Yu family even if she forgot, but now it is different, this kind of impeachment vote can have a vote for every hermit family.

The Yu family naturally also has their own voting rights.

Nie Qingru originally thought that Yu Qingliu's death was more or less related to Qiao Nian, so he came to the door and asked Nie's family to go out to help talk to the other party and win a vote.

There is no reason for the Yu family to refuse.

However, she never expected that the Yu family refused.

"How many companies have we won?" Nie Qingru said softly.

Shadow hesitated to speak: "59."

Nie Qingru probably knew it in her heart, and she was quite calm when she heard the numbers he said.

There are a total of 108 hidden families.

59 votes is not a high number, at least it can keep her status, but this result will make her lose face to some extent.

After all, as the empress of the hermit family, she only barely has more than half of the approval rating, and it will be a joke if it is spread out.

Nie Qingru doesn't care about his appearance at the moment, so he can only firmly grasp the immediate interests first.

"Then leave the Yu family and the Ross family alone."

Her eyebrows showed contempt.

It's just two small characters. If it weren't for the difficulties they encountered now, they wouldn't even be worthy of carrying their shoes, and they still had the guts to refuse her.It's ridiculous!
(End of this chapter)

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