Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4019 The number of votes is developing in the wrong direction

Chapter 4019 The number of votes is developing in the wrong direction
Nie Qingru's expression gradually softened, but the muscles in her cheeks were tense, and she could vaguely see a ferocious anger: "I know."

While the two were talking, most of the voting was done.

When they looked up at the projection screen, the number of votes on it was relatively normal.

16: 17.

Nie Qingru led by one vote.

It's about the same as the 59:49 they determined in advance.

When Nie Qingru saw the 16 votes in favor of deposing her, her eyes darkened, she snorted coldly, and continued to read with a sullen face and no expression.


the other side.

Lei Kai was a little surprised when he saw the number of votes, and instinctively looked towards Quentin over the old man in blue.

This time it became a 17:25 ticket.

Nie Qingru took advantage.

"You don't have to offend the queen."

The old man in the green shirt also noticed his unusual calmness, and observed his every move with probing eyes.

But the current situation is not very friendly to them.

The number of votes that came out became 26:35.

The more he was like this, the more worried Mr. Xue was.

The big screen jumped this time.

Lei Kai stopped talking this time, and looked forward firmly, continuing to pay attention to the real-time vote count on the large projection screen.

32: 35.

He thought that the archbishop was sure that he could impeach the queen.

His premonition began to come true.

The number of votes on the screen changed from 19:29 to 20:34...

Seeing this scene, the old man in green shirt looked at Lei Kai sideways, and said with a faint smile: "Young man, is it because I made a judgment too early or you chose the wrong position."

Time doesn't slow down because of anyone's anxiety.


However, Quentin always maintained an expression and a movement, as if he was just looking up at the votes, and he was not emotional.

Even the data that jumped out in the next second started to make him fidget.

19: 29.

Lei Kai pretended to be relaxed: "Old Xue, the result hasn't come out yet, you judged too early."

It seems that Nie Qingru still has the advantage between the two, but the number of people who voted for it has increased, and they have begun to draw closer to them.

It should be said that Mr. Xue can still comfort himself a little at the moment that there is a gap of 9 votes in the middle.

Mr. Xue caught his cruising gaze, put his hands in front of him, and said calmly: "The queen has found a lot of people in private, and you will lose."

This is a decision he made after some thought. Their conservatives will stand on the queen's side. He has also communicated with several conservative families who have opinions on the queen.

The real-time votes ahead have changed again.

"The Hidden Family needs help from the Independent Continent."

As long as Nie Qingru can get more than 54 votes, they will fall short, and they will offend the Queen because of this vote.

No matter how calm Lei Kai could be, he was still a young man. He was too green compared to a group of old foxes, and looked towards Quentin again.

Quentin didn't look at him, but sat on the seat with his arms folded, as if he didn't know how to be anxious.

But Lei Kai has no regrets at all.

He was just a little anxious in his heart, worried that if he couldn't bring down the other party this time, he would give the other party a chance to get up and breathe, and it would be difficult for them to know a good time in the future.

Six more votes in favor, and they didn't budge.

The old man's face in blue turned ugly, Lei Kai's tense expression began to relax, and he even turned around and said to him: "Old Xue, it seems that we may not necessarily lose."

"What's going on?" Nie Qingru was also paying attention to the number of votes.

When the votes of approval rose sharply and they couldn't move anymore, her expression was as bad as Xue's. If it wasn't for her good upbringing to force her to sit in her seat, she might have to stand up again.

(End of this chapter)

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