Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4023 Send her to reunite with her mother sooner or later

Nie Qingru slowly opened her eyes.

Under his gaze, his face was full of sternness, and he said through gritted teeth: "Sooner or later, I will reunite her with her mother!"

Shadow instantly understood who she was talking about.

Who else but Qiao Nian.

It's just that at this stall, he couldn't persuade him, so he had to keep silent.

"Go back first and talk about it!"

Nie Qingru's hand was tightly grasping the hem of the clothes, and the back of her hand was so forceful that the capillaries bulged, which was terrifying... She still maintained a calm expression on the surface, but there was already a huge wave in her heart: "Xicheng is still in her hands, and there is still a This impeachment...needs to be resolved. Everything will be discussed when I go back, as long as the person is still alive, I can think of a solution."


Shadow clenched his hand on the steering wheel to adjust the direction, stepped on the accelerator and started the car.

"Queen, where shall we go...?"

Nie Qingru has many residences in Continent M.

For convenience, she also bought a property near the Privy Council, and would often go to live in that house, so Shadow wanted to ask where it was next time.

Nie Qingru's eyes flickered, thinking of the Privy Council and the embarrassment she had suffered at today's impeachment meeting, she felt upset.

It hurts to think about it with a breath stuck in my chest.All of this is thanks to Qiao Nian!
She closed her eyes: "Go back to the manor."


Shadow lowered his voice, trying not to disturb her to rest, and immediately turned the car towards Nie Qingru's manor palace in the northern suburbs.

There is a time difference of more than ten hours between State M and the illegal area.

the next morning.

Qiao Nian woke up to see the message from M state.

Lei Kai probably changed his phone number again, and this time he sent her a text message with a brand new number.

The message content is very concise and clear.

There are only 12 characters in total.

[Nie Qingru is no longer the Queen of the Hermit Family. 】

The amount of information contained in it is huge.

Qiao Nian squinted her eyes and sat up with her elbows propped up. She held the phone in one hand and looked down at the text on the text message. She found a number in the address book and called it.


It's fast over there.

Soon, Zhong Yiliu's energetic voice came out.

He was probably in the laboratory, Qiao Nian heard a sound of tinkling bells in the background, and then the footsteps of the person holding the phone.

With the sound of closing the door.

After a while, Zhong Liuliu's voice came again through the electric current: "What time is it? Let me see. Well... it's only 08:30 in the morning where you are. You got up so early? What happened?" Unscientific!
"I'm going back to Beijing in the morning." Qiao Nian likes to do the work that he has hoarded in his hands in the dead of night, such as programming, composing music, and doing simulation experiments in the computer simulation laboratory.

So she usually wakes up late in the morning.

She didn't get entangled with Zhong Liuliu on these trivial matters, and she spoke concisely and straight to the point: "You old man, did you know what happened to the Privy Council yesterday?"

"Ah, you said this." Zhong Liuliu was attracted attention.

He read to Qiao: "Have you received the news? I also said that I will call you later to tell you the good news."

"A friend told me." Qiao Nian vaguely did not mention Lei Kai's identity.

"That's it." Zhong Liuliu only regarded her as an ordinary friend of the Privy Council, and simply relayed the gossip he had heard to Qiao Nian.

The Pharmacy Association seems inconspicuous in State M, but in fact, the network of contacts is very complicated, and the people they know have all kinds of teachings.

Many people, including the Hidden World Family, have made good friends with the Pharmacy Association.

There was such a big news coming out of the Privy Council yesterday, even if the Hidden Family wanted to hide this explosive news, they couldn't stop so many people from talking about it.

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