Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4028 You really don't want to meet my parents

Qiao Nian took it over and said, "Thank you."

Ye Wangchuan took time to watch her insert the straw into the lemonade, leaned slightly on the back of the soft chair, watched the girl's every move, and said without blinking: "When you go back, will you go see Mr. Jiang?"

Qiao Nian bit the straw with a relaxed expression: "Go."

"I'll be with you." Ye Wangchuan crossed his hands in front of him, calmly said: "I haven't visited Mr. Jiang and Uncle Jiang for a long time. I just have something to discuss with Uncle Jiang, so I'll go with you. "

Qiao Nian let go of the straw, turned his head to look at him, a little suspicious, but didn't say anything, and said calmly, "That's fine."

She seemed to think of something, and her eyes slipped to the man's right shoulder.

Ye Wangchuan wore a tie-up casual style suit today. The fabric of the suit has a strong sense of fall, and the blue and black stripe texture is looming. The overall style is the bathrobe style that is very popular recently.

It is difficult for ordinary people to control this lazy style.

However, he brought this style to its due effect, showing arrogance and laziness everywhere, without the slightest hint that he is still a patient.

Qiao Nian's eyes narrowed slightly: "Your shoulder..."

Ye Wangchuan raised his hand to touch the injured part, smiled, lowered his eyes and said, "Don't worry, the wound is scabbing over. Doctor Yu said it won't affect your daily activities, as long as you don't get wet."


Qiao Nian believed in metaphorical medical skills, nodded, stopped talking, put the drink in his hand aside, stretched his long legs, put on the blindfold he found somewhere, and yawned.Said: "Sleepy~ I'll take a nap, and call me when I arrive."

"Okay." Ye Wangchuan raised his finger and called the flight attendant to bring a blanket over, put it on the girl, and dimmed the lights above.

The plane soared into the sky five minutes later.

Ye Wangchuan sat next to the sleeping girl, calmly pulled out his laptop, turned it on, and logged in to a forum account.

There is wifi on the plane, and the signal is not bad.

After logging into his ID, he clicked on the private message in the background, and he received an email, saying in full English that the item had been sent to his residence in Beijing.

Ye Wangchuan took out his mobile phone and leaned on the seat again, edited a text message to ask Gu San to pick up the courier, and told him not to mess with the things in the cardboard box.

When Gu San came back to him to get the photo of the courier, Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyes and turned off the dim light on the screen, looked at the side face of the girl who was sleeping with her eyes covered, raised her thin lips, and raised her hand to gently tuck her in. After tucking in the blanket, he leaned on the same position as Qiao Nian and closed his eyes to rest...

Ten hours later, the plane arrived at Beijing Airport.

The Ye family sent a car to pick them up.

Gu San also drove over.

So everyone divided into three groups.

Ye Lan and Ye Qichen first went back to the old house to report to Mr. Ye about Ye Wangchuan's physical condition in the past few days, and Qin Si went home by himself.

As for Guan Yan, he chose to go with Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan and stay in a hotel temporarily.

Before Qin Si left, he tugged on the car door unwillingly, and wanted to try harder: "You really don't want to go back with me to see your parents?"

Guan Yan's peach-blossom eyes slightly raised, and her red lips opened and closed mercilessly: "Are you sick?? Why should I go back with you to see your parents."

Qin Si wanted to say something, but was grabbed by Ye Lan and said: "Okay, you go back and report to your mother that you are safe, and we will talk about the future."

Ye Lan has a very high status in Beijing, and he is the elder of Ye Wangchuan.Qin Si has always respected her very much, even though he still wanted to say something, he had to listen to Ye Lan first.

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