Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4030 Guan Yan is also an invisible rich woman

Chapter 4030 Guan Yan is also an invisible rich woman
She is very clear about Mrs. Qin's attitude towards her, but Guan Yan never thought that Ye Lan would think so much for her from her perspective.

This feeling of being protected... Guan Yan subconsciously turned her head to look at the girl who just woke up, squinting her eyes and standing in the corner.

She looked down and smiled.

——I seem to understand why Sun was moved by these people.

People like them, who are used to walking alone in the dark, will always surrender to tenderness!

Qiao Nian chatted with Gu San for a few words.

Feeling Guan Yan's gaze on him, he raised his legs and walked over, his half-closed eyes were a little sleepy from waking up.He greeted Guan Yan and said, "What are you talking about?"

Just now, she saw Guan Yan and Aunt Ye chatting speculatively from the corner of her eye just now, but she was far away and didn't hear what they said.

Naturally, Guan Yan would not tell her that she had chatted with Ye Lan about Qin Si, so he smiled and said, "It's nothing. Aunt Lan asked me to go home with you for dinner at night. I agreed~"

Qiao Nian looked at her in surprise, as if she didn't understand how she would agree.

But Qiao Nian just murmured, pursed her lips, and said without breaking the casserole, "I'm going to the nursing home in the afternoon, and I'll see you later in the evening."

"Are you sure which hotel you're staying in?" she asked again.

Guan Yan didn't even bring a suitcase in his hand, and came here with empty hands, more free than tourists, shrugged his shoulders and said: "I wanted to find a hotel to stay at random. But Aunt Lan said that he arranged a hotel for me, so I will stay in it." The hotel arranged by her."

Qiao Nian looked at her in surprise.

Guan Yan knew what she was surprised about, didn't explain, and said, "By the way, sun, what do Grandpa Ye and sister-in-law like? I want to go out for a stroll in the afternoon and buy some gifts. Otherwise, it doesn't seem very good to visit empty-handed."

The people in their illegal area are used to being free and undisciplined, which doesn't mean they don't understand etiquette, like barbarians.

Ye Lan arranged a hotel for her and asked her to have dinner at home in the evening.

After receiving these kindnesses, she naturally wanted to repay the other party's kindness.

And the Ye family has nothing missing.

She just wanted to express her feelings.

"The old man likes tea, as for... Aunt Ye." Qiao Nianxiang said, "She likes jewelry."

"OK." Guan Yan smiled brightly and said, "I'll go to the mall in the afternoon and buy two if I see something suitable."

Qiao Nian didn't stop her, but said, "You don't need to buy too expensive ones, as long as you have the intention."

"it is good."

Guan Yan readily agreed, but he was thinking about the industries he invested in country Z, whether there were any companies related to tea and jewelry.

She is the person who loves doing business most in Hongmeng.

Business is all over the world.

But Guan Yan prefers to buy joint-stock investment companies compared to Ye Wangchuan's kind of doer, so it seems that she has many affiliated companies under her name, and she can still run around with ease.

Qiao Nian came back this time in a low-key manner, without notifying anyone in advance.

She separated from Ye Lan and sent Guan Yan to the hotel.

Guan Yan refused her to accompany her to check in, so Qiao Nian made an appointment with her for dinner and watched her back into the hotel.

After Qiao Nian pressed the car window again, she was going to call Gu San to the nursing home.

Ye Wangchuan suddenly said: "Wait, you can go back first, can I get something?"

Qiao Nian propped her chin, glanced at him, and nodded: "Yes."

She took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Jiang Zongjin, and then spoke to Jiang Li.

The car started up again and headed towards the residence they hadn't returned to for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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