Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4054 The master is going crazy

Chapter 4054 The master is going crazy

Jiang Zongnan felt really uncomfortable now: "Dad, I'm the second uncle Niannian. Before, it was related to Xianrou, but this time it didn't involve anyone. I wouldn't act like that."

"I have received so many invitations, and there are no invitations from Big Brother and Nian Nian. I feel strange, so I hurried to find you."

Jiang Weishang is also aware of his son's character. Jiang Zongnan is indecisive when facing feelings, but he is indeed not a person who can play low-level tricks.

It wasn't that Jiang Zongnan hid the invitation on purpose.

Jiang Weishang's expression became serious, he met Jiang Zongnan's eyes and said, "What does the Bo family mean?"

"I don't know either." Jiang Zongnan shook his head.

He was still more puzzled than Mr. Jiang, and said, "I remember Bo Ershao and Ye Shao are good friends, and they also had a good time with Niannian. This time..."

The Bo family didn't read the invitation letter to Qiao.

Not only did they not read it to Qiao, but they didn't even read it to Jiang Zongjin!

However, the Bo family gave Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Weishang invitation letters.

This kind of blatant discrimination and slap in the face is really incredible.

Even if the big families in Beijing dislike each other in private, they don't bother to make a fuss on the stage and engage in such low-level tricks to distinguish others.

What's more, as Jiang Zongnan said, the Bo family and the Ye family have always been close, and Bao Jingxing has a close relationship with Ye Fangchuan and Qiao Nian.

Is the Bo family crazy?

Only send invitation letters to them, leaving out Nian Nian and Zong Jin alone.

Jiang Weishang repeatedly checked the invitation letter in his hand, and made sure that even Jiang Li and Jiang Yao were invited, but there was no invitation letter from Qiao Nian and Jiang Zongjin.

He exhaled foul breath, looked cold and serious, raised his eyes and said to Jiang Zongnan: "Push me back. I'll tell Xiaoye."

He didn't want to tell Qiao Nian directly, so as not to affect Qiao Nian's mood.

It is best to ask Ye Wangchuan about this matter.

After all, Ye Wangchuan walked close to Bao Jing, so he knew what the Bo family meant.

10 minute later.

"I see." The young man's tone was soft, with a kind of calming power: "Don't worry, I will ask clearly."

"Then I will trouble you." Jiang Weishang was polite.

Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyes: "No trouble, you are too polite."

"Grandpa Jiang, I'll ask him first, and I'll get back to you after I figure out the reason." He said something to Jiang Weishang, and then hung up the phone politely.

Ye Wangchuan hung up the phone and did not call Bao Jingxing immediately, but leaned against the edge of the balcony railing, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He knew it couldn't be done by the Bo family, it must be Li Mo's tricks.

It was said that as long as he made a phone call and told Bao Jingxing or the rest of the Bo family, the Bo family would send an invitation card right away.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he pinched the edge of the phone's thin body, tapped it with his slender fingers, and thought for half a second.

Ye Wangchuan drew his thin lips into a straight line, and called Zhang Yang: "Help me with something."

"My lord, tell me."

"You go..." Ye Wangchuan leaned on the balcony, looking at the scenery of the capital city below, and arranged his tone in an unhurried manner.

He rested one hand on the balcony, a thin wrist protruding from the cuff, with fair skin, and a circle of dark brown Buddhist beads wrapped around it.Add some compassion to him.

It's just that anyone who knows Ye Shao's character in Jingshi knows that this Buddha face is kind and cruel, and he is definitely not a person who is merciful to others.

It's okay not to provoke this person.

Whoever provokes this master will be played to death.

After Ye Wangchuan hung up the phone, he raised his eyebrows and his eyes deepened.I have already guessed the reason for this oolong - Qiao Nian's name is written together with the Jiang family, I am afraid that person has never thought about Qiao Nian's relationship with him.

(End of this chapter)

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