Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4056 Wangye: You are not qualified

Chapter 4056 Wangye: You are not qualified

If those in the top circle are unwilling to come, the Bo family's engagement banquet this time will definitely become a laughingstock in Beijing...

Several insiders of the Bo family were dying of anxiety.

Bo Jingxing didn't find out anything, Madam Bo and the others became even more anxious.

The old man hasn't been alarmed yet, if the old man knows, he won't be pissed off?
So the old butler just wanted to find out the reason quickly so that he could prescribe the right medicine to solve it: "Miss Li, you really didn't see Miss Qiao's invitation?"

How could Li Mo dare to say that she threw it into the trash can at this moment, so she could only bite the bullet and lie: "Ah, no, I didn't see it."

Fortunately, the housekeeper of the Bo family didn't criticize her too much. He nodded and said to her solemnly, "Then I'll go back first, and then let Master Jing Xing inquire about it."

Li Mo couldn't stay any longer, and hurriedly called him: "I'll go back with you."

at dusk.

Many Bo family members including Li Mo gathered in the old house, discussing how to solve the current emergency.

Bao Jingxing kept calling Ye Wangchuan in the study.

Ye Wangchuan didn't answer the call all afternoon.

Until he made nearly thirty calls.

Only then did they pick it up lazily.

"Hello." Bao Jingxing was a little anxious when his family called him back, and his tone was naturally impatient: "Master Wang, I have contacted Zhang Yang. He said it was your intention, what's going on?"


Bao Jingxing walked quickly on the balcony, pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said annoyedly: "Tomorrow is the engagement banquet. Even if you have some fire, can't you post it after tomorrow? My mother and the others are here. The whole family We discussed in the living room all afternoon, so what happened?"

He probably heard something about it.

"Because the housekeeper lost sister Qiao's invitation letter?"

Although Bao Jingxing thought that Ye Wangchuan was not a person who cared about everything, but when it came to Qiao Nian, no one dared to be too absolute.

"I can come to the door to apologize, sister Qiao, she..."

Ye Wangchuan didn't speak for a while, and said softly, "So Li Mo told you that the housekeeper lost the invitation letter?"

Bao Jingxing slowed down, put his hands on the doorknob together, and lowered his voice: "What do you mean?"

Ye Wangchuan didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "There are two invitation letters missing in total, one from Qiao Nian and one from Uncle Jiang. Everyone else's is not lost, even the invitation letter from Jiang Yao, the second roommate of Jiang's family. Can you guess why it was such a coincidence that only Qiao Nian's invitation letter was 'lost'?"

Bao Jingxing grabbed the doorknob tightly: "You mean...but there's no reason!"

"I asked Zhang Yang about this." Ye Wangchuan was calm, his voice was like a breeze: "Qin Si saw that her nickname collided with Qiao Nian in the group before, so he sent a private message to ask her to change her nickname. Later, she ran into Guan Yan on Chang'an Street, and had a conflict with Qiao Nian. It is said that she asked Qiao Nian's name that day, and then walked away. The reason is not sufficient, but someone insists on doing it..."

Bao Jingxing's heart turned cold, and he believed it: "Master Wang, I can apologize to you on her behalf, I..."

"You are not qualified." Very direct.

Ye Wangchuan's faint voice was very clear: "Also, the matter of Qiao Nian is my business. I can be wronged, but she can't! I will remember it clearly in the future."


Bao Jingxing hung up the phone, turned the doorknob and went out.

The whole family is still waiting for him in the living room.

Mrs. Bo even got in touch with Ye Lan and asked Ye Lan what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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