Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4058 Who does she think she is

Chapter 4058 Who does she think she is
Li Mo went outside the community by car, and called Zhang Yang as he said.

Zhang Yang didn't deliberately embarrass her, and quickly answered: "Miss Li?"

The voice was half a smile but not a smile, as if he didn't know it.

Li Mo swallowed the resentment in her throat, and smiled apologetically, "Zhang Yang, I'm outside the Rhine. That's right, I want to come to Qiao Nian to apologize to Qiao Nian in person. Can you convey it to her for me?"

She was very reluctant.

But I had no choice but to follow Bao Jingxing's wishes, and added unwillingly: "I did something wrong this time, and I regret it very much. I really want to express my regret in person, and I hope Qiao Nian can give me this opportunity."

Li Mo was afraid that he would not be willing to help her, so she did not forget to emphasize at the end: "We will all be in the same circle in the future, and we will see each other without looking up. I don't want to make the relationship worse...You have a good relationship with Qiao Nian, can you convey it to me? , just say I'm waiting for her outside."

"Tut!" Zhang Yang clicked his tongue on the other end, and said in a half-smile tone: "I can't help you with this."

"Zhang Yang…"

"If you want to apologize to Ms. Qiao, you should go to Ms. Qiao. How did you find me here? I don't have that much face, I can ask Ms. Qiao to come downstairs to accept your apology in person." Zhang Yang said with a gun and a stick , Li Mo, who was choking white, felt embarrassed.

Her face turned blue, white, and red, and she even wanted to let the driver turn around and go home immediately.

But she knew very well in her heart that she was going to marry into the Bo family in the future, and she had to swallow her anger if she wanted to keep this beneficial business marriage.

She apologized again in a low voice: "I didn't mean that... I just want to express that I want to apologize to Qiao Nian, not that I want her to come down, I can also go up."

There is always a bit of domineering energy in her words.

Who in the Beijing circle is not a young master or a young lady, and whoever goes out will be held by few people, even if Zhang Yang is outside, few people can provoke him.

It's too boring for Li Mo to play this set of yin and yang in front of him.

Zhang Yang just thought she was stupid, so he made it clear to her: "I don't have this face. You have found the wrong person!"

"Bo Jingxing said..." Li Mo had no choice but to use Bo Jingxing's name.

Who knew that this time Zhang Yang didn't even give Bao Jingxing face, he interrupted on the spot: "Bo Er Shao told you to find me, you can go to him. He has the ability to ask Miss Qiao to come down to accept your apology, I have no objection. Anyway, I don't I don't have the face to do it!"

Li Mo was speechless after being robbed by him, and could only see the shadowy floor of the Rhine Community under the camphor tree outside the car window.

She bit her lip and said, "Okay, sorry to bother you."

Zhang Yang returned to his polite and distant attitude: "Where is Miss Li, if I have something to do, I'll hang up first?"

What else can Li Mo say, only to ask Ai Ai to hang up the phone.

When Zhang Yang hung up the phone, she put the phone on her knees, felt depressed for a while, and then sent another text message to Bao Jingxing.

After briefly talking about Zhang Yang's refusal to help, he asked Bao Jingxing what should he do next?
As a result, it took 10 minutes for Bao Jingxing to reply to her text message.

Li Mo clicked to open it.

There is only one word in it.

[Bo Jingxing: Wait. 】

Li Mo looked at the short word on the text message, her blood surged up, she only felt a burst of dizziness, and her mind went blank with anger.

It took her a while to catch her breath, gritted her teeth, and sat in the car to wait!

(End of this chapter)

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