Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4060 Are you still going to the engagement banquet tomorrow?

Chapter 4060 Are you still going to the engagement banquet tomorrow?
Qiao Nian didn't bother to look at him, she turned around and stood in front of the man sitting in front of the computer, slightly raised her chin: "Say it."

Ye Wangchuan took his hand away from the computer keyboard, a strand of black hair hanging down partially covered his deep eyes, and he stared at the girl with a helpless expression on his face.

"say what?"

"Hmm." Qiao Nian tapped his fingers on the marble table and said lazily, "Tell me about the invitation letter first?"

Ye Wangchuan looked at her clear cold eyes, thought for a while, still supported his elbows, and said slowly: "It's nothing."

"Third Uncle Bo's fiancée lost your invitation letter. I reminded her a little, so that she won't have a long memory in the future."

What an understatement of "a little reminder", it sounds so gentlemanly and polite, as if he really just reminded the other party gently and kindly.

But Qin Si and Gu San, as insiders, are quite aware of the weight of the flirtatious words in Master Wang's mouth.

At least the Bo family was turned upside down at the moment, Mrs. Bo quickly found the relationship with the young lady, and even the young lady called to ask, but the master didn't give face.

As a result, when he arrived at Ms. Qiao's place, Master Wang just said - 'a little reminder'.

"Oh." After hearing what he said, Qiao Nian looked away disinterestedly.As if remembering something, he squinted at the past again: "Then shall I go tomorrow?"

Ye Wangchuan took out a candy from his body and put it in front of Qiao Nian, proudly and lazily: "Go. Why don't you go?"

"At least give Uncle Bo some face." He was afraid that the girl would be too lazy to do it, so he peeled off the candy wrapper himself, and pushed the orange-flavored candy in front of the girl: "Nian Nian, eat a candy."

Qiao Nian's head was full of calculation formulas, and he was still stuck on the huge calculation data handed over to Master Cheng.Looking at the extra orange candy in front of her eyes, she regained her senses, took it and threw it into her mouth. The taste of oranges stimulated her taste buds, and she suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Think of a good entry point again.

Qiao Nian pulled away the chair and said to the three people in the living room: "I still have something to finish, so go upstairs first."

"Okay." Qin Si waved to her.

Gu San watched her go upstairs: "Miss Qiao wants tea or coffee, call me."


Qiao Nian left without looking back, obviously she didn't care about the invitation letter they were talking about, at least she wasn't thinking about whether Li Mo really lost the invitation letter or did she deliberately lose the invitation letter...

Compared to paying attention to Li Mo's little thoughts.

At the moment, she prefers to spend her time researching the possibility of realizing one of the reactor equations in the USB flash drive left by Ji Ji.


Qin Si saw Qiao Nian's figure disappear at the corner of the second floor, and there was a sound of closing the door upstairs.

Only then did he unseal his mouth.

"Wang Ye, are you going to attend the engagement banquet tomorrow?"

He was a little out of rhythm.

"Didn't you say no? Zhang Yang and the others didn't go. Why did you tell sister Qiao to go?"

Qin Si mainly felt that the woman was too cheap.

Ye Wangchuan turned his attention back to the unfinished work on the computer, and didn't even bother to lift his eyelids: "I only said to attend the engagement banquet, not who's engagement banquet to attend."

This vague sentence directly crippled Qin Si's mind.

"What do you mean?"

"Besides the engagement banquet at Bo's family, is there any other engagement banquet tomorrow in Beijing?" He looked at Gu San questioningly, seeking an answer.

Gu San is like Ye Wangchuan's right-hand man, and usually helps deal with some human relations, so he has a very clear understanding of the big and small things in Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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