Chapter 4068 OK, I understand
Mrs. Qin said this from the bottom of her heart, not just talking about the scene.

Seeing Guan Yan looking up at herself, she smiled, "I just walked over to look for you suddenly, and your willingness to come with me is enough to show that you are a polite child."

Otherwise, Guan Yan can ignore her.

However, Mrs. Qin still looked at her with those elegant eyes full of years: "That child Qin Si may not have told you, but our family's situation is more complicated. His marriage is not up to him, and of course it is not up to me as a pawn." The mother's person can make the decision, but it needs his grandfather's consent."

"Miss Guan Yan, his grandfather is a traditional person and may not understand your career and life. So..."

Mrs. Qin spoke in that gentle and soft voice throughout the whole process, neither in her attitude nor in her tone of voice at all condescending.

But the meaning expressed in her words is already very obvious.

Guan Yan put away the ridiculous question he was thinking about a moment ago, and did not lose his composure because of Mrs. Qin's attitude, but nodded and said very politely: "I see."

Guan Yan was not angry at all, and even slightly nodded at her, polite and alienated: "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

Mrs. Qin was stunned, probably never thought that Guan Yan would have such a reaction.

Guan Yan didn't care what she thought of him, and looked down at the gift in his hand, and said: "If you have nothing to do, I'll go over and give the gift first."

If they don't cry or fight or quarrel, Mrs. Qin has nothing to say, so she has to make a way to pass: "Miss Guanyan, please do what you want."

Guan Yan said: "Thank you."

Then he walked past her, without being hit at all, looking as calm and unassuming as when he came in.

Mrs. Qin couldn't tell what it was like, she always felt that she punched the cotton dryly, and it even seemed ridiculous that she was serious.

She didn't intend to embarrass Guan Yan, and he was very good at communicating and cooperating with her. Madam Qin had nothing to say, so she had to follow after Guan Yan left.

She was also a guest at Bo Zheng's engagement banquet, and she also brought a gift.

Just as Mrs. Qin walked to the entrance.

She came together with the ladies she had acquainted with before.

Several people immediately asked her: "Who was that girl just now?"

Mrs. Qin still maintained a good demeanor when facing this kind of question knowingly: "A friend of my son."

The man covered his mouth and smiled lightly, "Could it be your girlfriend?"

Mrs. Qin was noncommittal.

Her non-denial and non-acknowledgement attitude made all the ladies embarrassed to continue talking.

Everyone looked at Guan Yan in unison, always wanting to see something from Guan Yan.

She was the first to ask Guan Yan if she was Qin Si's girlfriend. The lady looked at Guan Yan's casual attire and couldn't help muttering: "I heard that she doesn't usually stay in China. Which country does she study in?"

"This...has nothing to do with you, right?" Mrs. Qin frowned subconsciously, with a look of displeasure on her face, she seemed a little unhappy.

The noble lady was a little surprised by her reaction, she was stunned for a while, and immediately covered it up, and said in an embarrassing way: "I'm just curious."

Mrs. Qin hummed, and didn't let her go down the steps very much.

The man was full of contempt.

Others also observed Mrs. Qin's reaction curiously, and always felt that her reaction seemed to be defending Guanyan, which was really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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