Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4078 Zhai Xicheng wants to see you

Guan Yan shrugged her shoulders, blinked her peach blossom eyes, and said slyly and independently: "I told him what his family thinks of me, and I also told him my own."

"I have some feelings for him, at least unlike my previous boyfriends, he is more unique to me. But it stops here. I still have those words-I will not give up my life for him, nor will I Changing his lifestyle to suit him and his family."

"If one day he grows up to be with me and won't be opposed by his family, then I can try to like him more."

Guan Yan looked at Qiao Nian and said with a relaxed smile: "If he can't do it, then forget it. His love is very precious to me, and I have received this kindness."

Qiao Nian got the meaning of Guan Yan.

She respects and accepts Qin Si's feelings, and also respects the opinions of Qin Si's family members towards her. If Qin Si can walk step by step...

Guan Yan is willing to face up to this feeling, and is willing to give the same feeling again.

But this willingness is based on the premise of not changing oneself, everyone gets along equally... If Qin Si can't do it or Qin Si can't convince his family.

Then two people forget it.

"Very good." Qiao Nian pulled down the peaked cap with cold white fingers, and the brim of the hat was lowered, revealing only the sharp jaw line.

Seeing that Nie Mi was still talking to Ye Wangchuan, she turned her head to the girl and said, "Zhai Xicheng is still in our hands, what do you plan to do with him when you return to Independent Island?"

Qiao Nian lowered her head with a careless expression: "Sooner or later, I will come. When I go back to Independent Island, I just wait for her to come to me!"

After laughing.

Guan Yan shrugged: "Okay." She was not surprised.

Guan Yan thought she would say a few words about herself, but she didn't expect to get a 'very good' evaluation, instead she was stunned, and then saw the girl's generous attitude, and knew that Qiao Nian understood her.

Qiao Nian rolled her eyes, ruthlessly pulled her hand on his shoulder, and said arrogantly, "I don't do lace."

Guan Yan thought about it with his fingers, and smiled lightly: "That's right."

"You asked the flower arm to send people to Independent Continent."

She felt a little more relieved when she was still a little depressed. She hugged the girl's shoulders and said with a smile: "Sun, can you say a few more words each time."

He raised his eyes and saw the girl turning the brim of her peaked hat again, her brows raised sharply.

Qiao Nian raised her eyes and said lazily, "Say."

Qiao Nian took a sip of the Coke in his hand, but didn't react much.


Guan Yan said: "Nie Qingru has recovered, she is definitely looking for someone from you."

Guan Yan looked into her eyes: "Zhai Xicheng has called many times to see you, and the brothers are bothering him. Do you see?"

"..." After being stunned for a moment, Guan Yan directly gave her a thumbs up, the haze in his eyes was swept away, and his peach blossom eyes were completely clear.

Sun hastily left Beijing this time to go to Independent Island, isn't he just waiting for Nie Qingru to see what she wants to do?Otherwise, why not stay in Beijing for a few more days.

After Qiao Nian finished her drink, she crushed the can and threw it into the trash can, putting one hand in her pocket, and said coldly, "No."

"By the way, boss." Guan Yan remembered another thing.

After thinking about it, Qiao Nian stopped her again: "Forget it, let Daji go...I'll call him."

Guan Yan saw that she had already taken out her mobile phone, so she didn't rush to do any more work.

Just when Qin Si called in, Guan Yan lowered his head and cut it off, and went to find the members of the flight team.

F continent.

The busiest underground auction house, inside one of the high-end private rooms.

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