Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4090 I want you to believe what to do

Zhai Xicheng didn't answer him directly, but narrowed his eyes vigilantly, and took half a step back: "What do you want to do?"

David thought he was quite interesting, so he chatted with him patiently: "Didn't you ask to see Sun? I'll take you to meet her."

David saw the obvious guard on Zhai Xicheng's face, and smiled again: "Why, you don't want to see her anymore? I thought you wanted to see her because you shouted so hard."

Zhai Xicheng was not moved by his provocation, and stood there with suspicion on his face: "What did Qiao Nian ask you to do?"

He didn't know where he thought.

He said to David again, "She wants to kill me?"

The word "death" pierced through the top of his head like a sharp sword, and Zhai Xicheng couldn't describe whether his feelings at this moment were mostly surprise or fear of the unknown.

But he can be sure that he is not reconciled.

Never reconciled to just 'die' like this.

He pinched the palm of his hand to force himself to calm down, and said with the mood of negotiation: "Has she thought it through? If I die, State M will not let her go."

"If you don't die, M State will let Sun go?" David asked him in a speechless manner, and then said, "So is there any difference if you die or not? Anyway, that guy will chase after Sun like a mad dog. It's better to kill you, angry It's so interesting to see her be furious~"

Zhai Xicheng's temples kept beating wildly, touching the back of his teeth, and said in a low voice: "I can mediate in the middle. They are related by blood, and the two will reconcile sooner or later. Why do you make them stay away from each other forever."

David pointed to himself, looked at him again, and asked him with a serious expression: "Zhai Xicheng, do you think I look stupid?"

"..." Zhai Xicheng didn't know what he meant by asking him, so he was smart enough to keep silent.

"Since I'm not a fool, who are you going to pretend to be a fool?" David put down his hands and sneered, "Let me say something harsh. Sun needs you to mediate in the middle? Who do you really think cares about?" The so-called blood relationship in your mouth?"

"If blood relationship is like yours, no one in this world would value family relationship! You are not worthy, and neither is the queen of State M!"

David watched Qiao Nian walking all the way, and he knew how disappointed Qiao Nian was with the so-called family relationship from looking for his biological parents to finding out the truth back then.

Sun is full of enthusiasm and should not be used as a bargaining chip by these people.

These people do not deserve it!
Nie Qingru is even more unworthy!

Zhai Xicheng even used Nie Qingru as a bargaining chip, which made him extremely disgusted.

David was not interested in continuing the conversation with him, and said bluntly: "Don't worry, Sun didn't want your life, I just took you to Independent Island, and I don't care about the rest."

Zhai Xicheng raised his eyes and looked at him forbearingly, his rough voice was as hoarse as a rag: "You think I will believe it?"

David resisted the urge to twitch his mouth, and smiled on the surface: "I want you to believe what to do."

Zhai Xicheng tensed his face.

David didn't bother to talk to him, and turned around to order the people behind him: "Look at him, get ready to get him into the car."


The people he brought responded, their hands and feet started to get busy.


Zhai Xicheng watched the burly man leave the small black room, and saw those people who were busy preparing to transfer him, he closed his eyes, his cheek muscles convulsed, and he clenched his fists again, trying to restrain his emotions.

at this time.

Zhai Xicheng suddenly felt that someone stuffed a small note into his hand.

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