Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4094 Don't forget that the Red League also takes water

Chapter 4094 Don't forget that the Red League also takes water

Ying Liu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and made a gesture to open the door to get out of the car: "If you can't drive, I'll come if you don't."

That young master Zhai is not easy to get along with.

Zhai Shao also pretended to be a little more sunny in front of the queen, and he could make troubles as much as he could command people in front of them.

Moreover, she counts pennies and pennies and holds grudges very much. It is not easy to mess with the Queen's attention.

He didn't want to mess with that one.

Ying San seemed to be convinced by him, and grabbed his wrist: "Okay, I get it, I'll drive."

"Just trust me sooner." Ying Liu sat back down again, fastened his seat belt, and said, "Don't worry, I can see clearly with both eyes, and David must be gone."

Ying San's tense nerves relaxed a little, and he stopped arguing with him, and when he sat down, he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the small black room.


As it turns out, Shadow Three seems to be right.

They received Zhai Xicheng smoothly.

As Zhai Xicheng got into the car, the two of them changed from the relaxed atmosphere of gagging to seriousness.

"Young Master Zhai, Lord Shadow has arranged for the ferry. Someone will pick us up when we arrive at the pier. Don't worry, it's very safe." Ying Liu turned his head and struggled to talk to the people in the back row.

"Why not use an airplane?"

Zhai Xicheng put on a clean hoodie, and habitually pulled the hoodie up and put it over his head to cover part of his face. His hanging bangs grew a lot and covered most of his eyes, making him look more gloomy than before.

Ying Liu didn't dare to look at him directly, and explained to him in a low voice: "The illegal area has been strictly checked recently, and it is easy to be found if you take off from here. If you leave by an ordinary flight, your identity is easy to be found... That's why the Queen Arrange for relative inspection of loose waterways."

Lu Zhi has recently strengthened his control over illegal areas. Except for Tianchen, which can enter and exit without formalities, all other forces must have approval procedures.

This is something that has never happened before.

Many forces in the illegal area have also made troubles, and they feel that Executive Lu's style of work is too domineering, so why should Tianchen have the final say.

But this time, Lu Zhi used extremely tough methods to deal with some forces who made trouble with him, and the remaining forces had no choice but to hold their breath due to Tian Chen's strength.

If they wanted to use a private jet to take Zhai Xicheng away, they would have to pass through the airspace control of the illegal area, and they would have to go through Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi is not easy to fool people, he is easy to overturn.

There is also walking from the airport.

This is even more unrealistic.

Sun dragged all of Shao Zhai's personal information into the blacklist before, and it was a problem for Shao Zhai to go through the security check at the airport.

They can only go by water.

And they have the opportunity to travel by water thanks to Qiao Nian, if it weren't for the fact that most of Sun's diamond business needs to use the waterway in the illegal area.

Tianchen may not turn a blind eye to the waterway wharf.

Of course, if Tianchen and Hongmeng really quarreled on the pier, if there was a head-on friction, Tianchen would have to pay a huge price to win.

Lu Zhi's refusal to touch the pier is not only based on emotion, but also because of interests.

Ying Liu didn't think too deeply, anyway, it has nothing to do with them when they take Zhai Xicheng out of here.

"...When we get to the pier, someone will pick us up, and we will be back to Continent M soon."

"Have you arranged for the boat?" Zhai Xicheng leaned back on the leather armchair, his shoulders relaxed, he was still shrouded in shadow, and his tone was cold: "Don't forget that the Red League is also leaving by water, you better have enough arrangements , don’t be discovered by them!”

(End of this chapter)

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