Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4099 Nie Qingru is in trouble

"Boss Nie."

In the past, everyone always respectfully called her 'Queen', but now most of them know that Nie Qingru is no longer the queen of the hermit family, so many people began to call her by other names in order not to cause trouble or irritate her.

The secretary chose the most conservative and less error-prone name.

However, he still keenly noticed that Nie Qingru, who was about to get out of the car, frowned imperceptibly. The secretary's heart trembled, and he began to reflect on whether he had shouted wrongly.

Shouldn't he be called Mr. Nie?
That's Ms. Nie?
The secretary intuitively felt that it would be more offensive if he called the latter.

He followed Nie Qingru and his group, still thinking about what he should call Nie Qingru next time, and he didn't know if he had a strange feeling.

He suddenly remembered the word 'Queen'.

The secretary quietly peeked at the backs of the pedestrians striding ahead, and vetoed this 'ridiculous' idea first.

——President Nie is no longer the Queen of the Hidden Family, so it is impossible for people to call her Queen? !


The limited status of a secretary does not allow him to go with Nie Qingru.

He followed behind the line like a little tail, and was responsible for such chores as opening doors and pressing elevator buttons.

A group of people walked through the clearly visible lobby, attracting countless attention, and then entered the elevator.

Nie Qingru has her own exclusive elevator.

Except for the shadow that has been with her all year round, no one else can take the same elevator with her.

So everyone was waiting for Nie Qingru to enter the elevator, and after her exclusive elevator closed the door, they hurriedly took the next elevator to the 22nd floor.


22th floor.

At this moment, the round conference table is full of shareholders of Smith Bank.

In addition to the shareholders, there are also a few bank executives who are very light in weight on this round table that gathers the financial leaders of M state.

The huge conference room was filled with the voices of exchanging greetings with each other.

The most eye-catching one is probably Lei Kai, the representative of the Leonard family. Lei Kai is dressed in a dark gray suit and sits in the first position on the right hand, surrounded by people who have come to get close to him.

Everyone greeted him with a smile, and asked about the Privy Council's attitude towards Nie Qingru...

These people are all human.

When Nie Qingru inherited Smith Bank from Ji Wuzhen, the shareholders were not convinced at first that they were overwhelmed by a woman who came by air.

It wasn't until Nie Qingru used Lei Ting to take over the position of Queen of the Hidden Family by betraying Ji Qing, and relied on the support of the Hidden Family to successfully take over the bank.

In high society, one hair will always affect the whole body.

Now that Nie Qingru has lost her most important identity, it is normal that the shareholders who have been suppressed by her for a long time are no longer willing to lie under her as before.

After all, how could it be possible for someone who can become a shareholder of Smith Bank, the financial center of State M, to have no background or ambition?
Lei Kai staggered his hands on the conference table, listening to the whispers of the president of the Caesar Group beside him, feeling a little absent-minded.

Until Steve, the president of Caesars Group, paused, and cut into the topic with a smile: "...Our family has believed in the family rules of 'freedom, hard work, and daring to break' since the first generation."

"From a certain point of view, our family is not considered conservative. It's just that my father has a close personal relationship with Mr. Xue. My father chose to support his old friend in the Privy Council out of friendship."

"Now my father has retreated to the second line and started to enjoy life, leaving the big and small things in the family to me to take over. I personally follow the family rules taught since I was a child, so... I am not a strict conservative, am I?"

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