Daniel smiled bluntly and turned his head to look at Ji Nan next to him: "Young Master Ji, you didn't give us the bottom line before this."

Ji Nan's face was stiff, and he smiled awkwardly: "Hehe."

In fact, he didn't know that Ye Wangchuan was planning to use rare earths to break into the independent continent market.

He didn't even know how many rare earth mines Ye Wangchuan had in his hands.

What does rare earth mine mean?
Even if it is not an independent continent.

People like Ye Wangchuan will be wooed by various forces on any occasion.

Ji Nan knew almost immediately what he was thinking - in the face of actual interests, any exclusion and prejudice could be resolved.

It is much more practical for him to use the rare earth business to break into the circle than to insist on introducing him into the circle!
"Are you interested?" Ye Fanchuan looked straight at Daniel.

Daniel was stunned, and pointed to himself: "You mean me?"

He looked left and right, saw the people around him who were about to move, and said with a smile: "You don't think about other people?"

The others immediately looked at Ye Wangchuan with expectations, it seemed that everyone wanted to take a bite of this business.

Ye Wangchuan ignored these gazes: "There is nothing to consider, you are the best candidate."

"Interesting!" Daniel laughed.

He stood up, walked in front of Ye Wangchuan, and stretched out his hand again, this time his attitude was much more equal and sincere: "Then have a pleasant cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation." Ye Wangchuan gently shook hands with him and let go.

Witnessed by Ji Nan, the two exchanged contact information.

Seeing that they missed out on this rare earth business, the others were lying if they said they had no regrets, and each of them felt extremely uncomfortable like a cat scratching their hearts.

Wait until Ye Wangchuan and Daniel have finished talking.

They didn't use Ji Nan's recommendation to take the initiative to talk to Ye Fangchuan, and they didn't want to talk to Qiao, they rushed to exchange contact information.

In and out of the words are friends.

There were always one or two people who didn't squeeze in, and those who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal sent messages to the few people who didn't come in the corner.

[fmi: Are you really not coming? ]
They also have their own group messages privately.

The few people in the group who didn't come were still playing dead, and no one came out to make bubbles.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, and Kevin naturally understands why they don't come out to speak.

He said to himself.

[fmi: You missed a big opportunity by not coming today. ]
[fmi: The friends Ji Nan introduced this time are not the country bumpkins and gold diggers we thought before.We didn't know how many rare earth mines they had in their hands before, but Daniel had a good attitude and took the initiative to say hello to people.This is not the case. They want to bring the rare earth business to Independent Continent. They need to find a partner. They chose Daniel as their partner. ]
He said sourly.

[fmi: So Daniel is doing better than us every time, no, let him take advantage of it again. ]
Thinking of something in a blink of an eye, Kevin bowed his head and edited the message and sent it to the group.

[fmi: But... let's at least add the contact information of Ji Nan's friends, and look for opportunities to make more appointments later, and we can talk about cooperation. ]
[fmi: Rare earths are not a business that everyone can access, and such a large amount of rare earths, tsk!You are at a loss! ]
No one in the group made a sound.

But Kevin put away his phone contentedly, and most of the suffocation in his chest dissipated.

He wasn't worried that those few people didn't see the news in the group.

Everyone who stays with their mobile phones 24 hours a day will see it sooner or later.

He firmly believed that those few people had seen it a long time ago, but it was just that they couldn't talk to each other because of their sympathy.

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