Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4126 Sister Nian: Can't learn to walk upright at the age of 70?

"I heard that the person who quickly stabilized the situation in the bank has also gradually adapted to her new identity. She has attracted many people in the Privy Council. When she catches her breath, she will definitely look for Zhai Xicheng's whereabouts."

Qiao Nian leaned back on the chair anxiously: "Is there something wrong with the minds of the people in the Privy Council?"

Nie Qingru is no longer the queen of the hidden family, what are those people who still surround her thinking?

She could only think of one possibility.

"It's still said that people from the Hermit Family have lived in a corner for a long time, and they all take it for granted. They don't think that Nie Qingru has the possibility of returning to the position of queen!" Otherwise, she couldn't figure out what those people were planning. what good.

Ye Wangchuan looked deeply into her eyes: "Now M state is spreading rumors about your relationship with her..."

Qiao Nian frowned, and immediately reacted.

"Tsk." She was probably manipulated by Nie Qingru to make a full smile. She raised the corners of her mouth and licked her dry lips. She had a rebellious and surly smile on her face, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"I thought she didn't want to face the shame of me in her whole life. I didn't expect that one day she would admit my existence... The things in this world are really dramatic, but I don't know if she admits that I am related by blood. I feel like my blood is dirty."

Nie Qingru doesn't like to act like she's holding her nose in disgust, bossing her around and accusing her and Ji Qing that they shouldn't have come to this world.

It is said that they have the dirtiest blood in the world.

Said they were gutter rats only fit to live in the dark.

Instead, she would take advantage of these people she despised, while using this relationship to enjoy benefits.While sneering, he put himself in a higher position and stood on the moral high ground to PUA others.

She can.

That's enough!

Qiao Nian thought that she had been trained by these people long ago, so she would not be easily affected by them, but the violent feeling that came up at this moment broke her perception.

It turned out that she didn't care what she imagined.

At least in Nie Qingru's performance that broke the bottom line again, she was deeply disgusted.

"She just likes that you won't come forward to refute, so she has no fear." Ye Wangchuan gently squeezed Qiao Nian's index finger.

There was a numbness and numbness from the fingers, as if they had been pecked, one after another, very light and gentle, it was hard to ignore the existence.

The surlyness around Qiao Nian's body dissipated quite a bit, but she was still in a bad mood visible to the naked eye. She tilted her head and leaned on the back of the chair, watching the light and shadow outside the car window float into her pupils.

"Ji Qing was used by her until her death. After her death, she also took advantage of the fact that she did not hesitate to sacrifice her only daughter for the sake of the hidden family and successfully became the queen."

"Speaking of it, what she's doing now is nothing more than what she was doing back then."

There was no smile in Qiao Nian's eyes, only endless indifference.

"It's a pity that I am not Ji Qing, and I have never regarded her as a relative."

Therefore, if Nie Qingru wanted to use himself to make wishful thinking, he was afraid that it would be in vain.

Because she won't cooperate with the show.

She logged into the INS account she hadn't used for a long time, and the last post was still on the World Medical Forum journal claiming her paper.

Qiao Nian's fingertips were slightly cold, and he turned out the official ins of Smith Bank very dryly, without any nonsense, directly asked the other party.

QN: At 70 years old, you still can't learn to walk upright, right? @smithbank

After she posted this post, Qiao Nian went offline without caring about the sensation it would cause.

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