Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4129 The person who really wants to treat is Nanling

"Well, I don't have to lie to you."

Ye Wangchuan looked at the time, it was almost 8:[-], and it was still early, so he asked, "What time is the appointment?"

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, and said briskly, "It's twelve o'clock. Let's go out and play together. It's not good to just play and not eat. Let's have a meal together by the way."

Joe couldn't read back at noon today.

Ye Wangchuan's expression was still slack, and he said, "I'll try my best to go there."

Although he didn't give the exact words, everyone in the social field understands that these words are almost equivalent to agreeing to come.

Daniel immediately smiled and said, "Then I'll send you the location."


With the computer on his lap, Ye Wangchuan lazily leaned against the sofa: "Hang up."

Daniel on the other end said a few more polite words, Ye Fanchuan hung up the phone, narrowed his eyes slightly, a hint of deep meaning flashed in his eyes.

Rare earth?
He heard Feng Yu mention the topic yesterday, Qiao Nian seemed to be looking for rare earth resources.

He has some rare earths in his hands, but in Beijing City and Continent F, it is more troublesome to transport them to Independent Continent, so it is naturally best to solve this problem locally.

This is also the main reason why he let go of his promise.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Daniel called Nanling.

"The person you asked me to date, I can help you out."

"Thank you."

"Nan Shao remembers what he promised me. It was you who pestered me and insisted on asking me out. You must not have conflicts with them when the time comes, otherwise it will be difficult for me to be in the middle..."

He said the ugliness up front so that everyone would not fall out afterwards.

"I think he is good. Except that he is not from Independent Continent, this person is quite my temper. I also said yesterday that we will be friends in the future. Since he is my friend, I don't want to say too much. At least you don't think that he is not It’s not nice and disrespectful for people in Independent Island to say these things.”

"Okay, I see." It was the first time Nan Ling saw him talking so much, and even brought up some sensitive topics, which reminded him of the unpleasant experience yesterday.

Nan Ling interrupted him, and said, "I owe you a favor this time, so feel free to talk to me next time if you need it."

Daniel clicked his tongue, and said without a formal expression: "Then I can thank Nan Shao."

In his heart, he disapproved of the temper of a young master like Nan Ling.

If Ji Nan told him this today, he might take it seriously.

After all, the only son of the Ji family, the heir of Gen Hong Miaozheng.

But Nanling...

No one in their top circle knew the situation of Nan's family. If it wasn't for Mrs. Nan who was young and injured and unable to conceive, Nan Tianyi loved his wife like his life and refused to have children with others.

Nan Ling didn't even have the qualifications to set foot in their circle.

Now, relying on Nan Tianyi's blue eyes, he barely stepped into their circle. For the sake of the Nan family, everyone turned a blind eye to his situation.

On the contrary, Nan Ling himself got a little confused, and often put on a posture similar to Ji Nan's in front of them, sometimes even higher than Ji Nan's.

A very unclear person.

But Daniel has always been sophisticated, and he doesn't easily offend anyone. In addition, there is a Nan family behind Nan Ling, and he begged him in front of him. He is just doing a favor.

It doesn't matter what Nanling likes to say, the important thing is that Nanling remembers him to help this time.

As for Ye Wangchuan...

Daniel also struggled for a moment, not sure what the origin of Ji Nan's friend was, but he thought that Nan Ling didn't offend him.

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